Chapter 14~Escape

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Xavier slammed his fist on the wall angry with himself that he couldn't protect me,mother told him to calm down as there is a way surely they could save me,but the question is how could they save me.

Slowly waking up i looked around noticing that i was in a unfamiliar room chained to the bed's post by the ankle making my movement only a short work to the window,getting up slowly from the bed i heard the door unlocked and once it was open,calem entered.

Calem : "Ah i see you have awaken my dear princess"

Aura : "I don't belong to you at all!"

Yelling at him with angry and disgusts but he chuckled then walked over,unable to do nothing i watched his movements until he stopped,so his face was close to mine his lips almost touching mine.

Aura : "Why are you doing this"

When i asked him he grabbed me by the arms then pinned me down onto the bed,struggling with my might trying to shake him off as he was on top of me but it was useless.

Calem : "You know you belong to me princess give in and accept it"

Aura : "no..i won't accept it xavier is the one for me"

Calem : "oh really what can that puppy give you eh!"

He already knew the answer as he looked into my eyes with a sigh he got off me then stood up,mumbling to himself he walked out closing the door behind him and locking it.

Many things were going around in my mind but i had to remain strong,sitting up i looked at the shackle around my ankle then remembered a hair pin in my hair that was holding it up,as soon it took it out my hair fell down over my shoulder then i started to pick the lock on the shackle.

Aura : "I might not be strong or good at fighting but i will escape hopefully"

Mumbling to myself the lock on the shackle clicked opened,quickly removing the shackle around my ankle then getting up i ran to the door,but being careful as there could be guards on the other side.

 Guard 1 : "Geez it is a pain keeping on guard over this princess don't you think"

Guard 2 : "Not really i like it who knows once she becomes the bride of his kingship we can do anything we want with her"

Hearing the two exchange voices and laughing i felt sick to my stomach and quickly i had to escape,looking around i noticed a secret panel behind the sofa,pushing it to the side then opening up the panel revealed a secret passage way which could lead me out of here.

Aura : "Xavier..everyone..please wait for me"

Saying to myself quietly i entered the secret passageway as the panel closed behind me,even though it looked damp and cold but i had to press on and not be afraid,the one thing i was hoping for that xavier and my parents also my grandparents,will come soon.

To be continued   

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