Chapter 2

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The sun shone extremely brightly in Y/n e/c eyes. She groaned sleepily, pulling her soft f/c blankets over her head. Then, she remembered what had happened yesterday and jumped out of bed. Glancing at the clock, she almost screeched. "It's 11:30 already?! Shit!!" She rushed towards the bathroom and showered. Hopping out of the shower, she quickly did your hair and brushed it till it was silky and smooth. Running back into her room, she put on  a f/c skirt/jeans with a 2f/c tank top/t-shirt.

Y/n glanced at the clock, seeing that it was almost 11:45. "Damnit I gotta go!" She growled. Sprinting into the kitchen, Y/n grabbed a bagel and a juice box and ran out the door. Deciding not to use the elevator, Y/n ran down the stairs till she got to the empty-ish lobby. Pushing the doors open, she got out her keys and opened her small car. Quickly checking the watch, she had about nine minutes left if she wanted to get there on time and find out where the office was.

Y/n pulled into a unkempt, pot holed parking spot in front of the building. Stepping out of the car, Y/n gazed at the building as she walked in. Everything was either broken or falling apart. With some stains of... Ink? Weeds grew in front of the building. Y/n grimaced at the sad sight. She thought the place would be totally different than what she had expected it to be. "Lets just get this interview over with." Y/n mumbled as she opened the door to the building.

The first thing that greeted her was the horribly strong and powerful scent of ink. It was so strong, Y/n had to cover her nose and mouth with her tank-top/t-shirt for a bit. She began to look for the owner of the place. Y/n was greeted by a few people who seemed friendly enough. One guy she met was named Henry. He was a kind man, who looked tired and had blotches of ink dot around his clothes. "Hey, do you know where the owners office is?" Y/n asked. His eyes seemed to widen a bit. "U-uh d-down the h-hall." He stuttered. Sounding quite shocked.

Y/n looked at him weirdly and said 'thanks' and walked towards the hall. As she walked, Y/n thought she saw a puddle of ink move onto a cardboard cutout of the one and only Bendy. Shrugging it off, Y/n thought it was just her eyes was playing tricks on her. She found the room she was looking for. Knocking on the door, she waited for a good minute before a dreadfully familiar voice said "come in." Y/n hesitantly opened the door and saw the man she was talking to yesterday. He was covered almost head to toe in ink, but he looked way different then what Henry looked like. He Ray looked kind and caring. Joey looked way different. He looked sinister, insane, crazy and sleep deprived. "So you are the one who asked for the job." He said.

Y/n gulped. She felt VERY uncomfortable around this guy. He looked like he was a freaking murderer! "Yeah. T-that's me." She told him. "Well, nice to meet you. My names Joey. Joey Drew." Drew reached across his untidy desk to shake hands with Y/n. She hesitantly took hold of his hand and shook it. "So, why do you want this job?" He asked Y/n.

They both talked for a good hour. Y/n brought in her sketchbook and showed him her sketches and drawings. He seemed very interested and happy. Y/n also told him about her animation skills and she knew how to edit the animations. Through the whole time, Y/n felt like she was being watched by someone. But only herself and Joey was in the office. Soon, both of them were finishing up there talk. Y/n still felt uncomfortable with him though. Standing up, she turned to leave.

"Y/n." Joey called to her. "Yes?" Y/n answered back. "You got the job." A big ass smile spread across her face in seconds. "You start tomorrow. I want you here by 7:30. Got it?" All Y/n did was nod her head and skipped out of the office. She ran into Henry on her way out. She excitedly told him she got the job. "Wow. Congrats!" He said. "Thank you! See you tomorrow!" She called out to him as she left the building. Henry shook his head. 'This girl will not last a week in this bloody hellhole.' He thought sadly.

Y/n drove home happily. She could not believe she got the job. She forgot all about Joey being odd. Forgetting about the feeling of being watched in the office. All she cared about was how she finally could move out of her friends apartment and live without being pressured to get a job. Y/n pulled into the parking lot in front of the apartments. Getting her stuff out of the car, she skipped happily up to her friends apartment.

Her friend was sitting on the couch looking at her computer while the news blared. She lazily turned her head and saw how happy Y/n was. "Why are you so happy? Did you finally get a boyfriend?" She said sarcastically. Y/n rolled her eyes and told her. "No, but I got something better! I got a job!" Her friend stared at her. "No way. You are kidding me right?" She asked Y/n excitedly. You shook your head no. "Oh my god!" She yelled. "Now I won't be around here for long !" You told her happily.

Your friend was so happy that you finally got a job, she ordered f/f and got out some sodas. "When do you start?" She asked Y/n. "Tomorrow at 7:30." "By the way, where is this place at? What kind of job is it?" She questioned. "Oh! I work at the old animation place where the old cartoon Bendy and Boris was made, remember?" Y/n answered. Her friends eyes widened. Y/n looked over at her confusingly. "Out of any of the places in this whole town, you chose to work there?!?!" She screeched at Y/n. Y/n flinched at the sudden outburst.

Your friend got up from the couch and left the couch. She stormed into her room. 15 minutes later, she came out of her room and left the place to go to the bar slamming the door behind her. Y/n still sat there shocked. What the hell. "Um. I have no idea why she did that. Or why she just screamed at me." You said shocked. You cleaned up the mess and got ready for bed. Setting your phone alarm for 6:30.  But, sleep came slowly. The events from what happened today kept replaying in her mind over and over.Finally,Y/n got drowsy and fell asleep.

" Alrighty, all of you, go home! I better not see you at all tonight!" I yelled at my employees. They all left in a hurry. Turning around, I went back into my office. Sitting down, I remembered the girl. She had a lot of energy. She seemed sad though. Whatever though, it won't matter anyway. When the time is right, when I finally finished appeasing the gods, she will make a good Sacrifice. I laughed insanely. That time will come soon. Very soon.

??? POV
I heard the creator laugh from the hall. How I hated his scratchy laugh. I hated everything about him. The way he talked, walked or even just looked. It made me sick with anger. He killed my only best friend in the whole world. He was going to pay. My tail swished behind me. Ink started to melt and cover my vision. My smile got even bigger.


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