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Hey everyone! Yesterday, this book reached 30,000 reads and over 900+ votes! This is so unreal and absolutely fantastic! Thank you all so much!!

Now I know the reason why you all clicked on this chapter, to see who our three lucky winners are!

Now I will announce who won and why I've chose them, and if I didn't pick you don't feel bad! There may or may not be more books coming your way ;)

And now the winners!!!

Commentator: @Meowkid1000
This wasn't a easy choice guys. So many people commented hilarious things on each chapter, but Meowkid seemed to comment on every chapter and each comment made me smile. So in my mind, they were a definite winner.

Voter: @Americahamburger50
A while back this person voted on every single chapter, including the A/Ns! I have no idea why they would vote on this, but I really am thankful for each vote they gave me.

Follower: @jrox12
Now, this person was one of my very first followers, and I think readers as well. Now, I cannot thank this person enough times. They were the ones who helped my story grow. So for that, you are a definite winner :)

Now, I will message these people privately about what drawings they want, and I will follow them(if not already).

For those who didn't win, I still want to thank you guys. YOU have helped this story grow more and more each day. It has been such a blast writing this, and I cannot express my love for you guys!

Now THIS is the last chapter ever.


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