Chapter 4

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  Months had passed since you began to work at the old studio. It was great and all, but you could not shake the feeling of being watched. It made you feel even more uncomfortable. Henry became a really good friend of yours. He had been like a older brother to you in a way. It felt nice to have another friend. You still lived with your old friend, but you rarely saw each other since that big fight. So you both just pretend that the other does not exist.

Joey Drew hadn't been seen since that day he went missing. There were news reports and missing posters all over the town. The media then began to create more false lies about the animation studio. Saying that he stole all the money from the place and ran away with it. Or he committed a crime and had to change his identity. The people who worked there stated that those were all lies. The most reasonable one would probably be he had a breakdown and needed time off.

Of course, the studio couldn't let the media know about that, or else they would create even more lies. So they told the media he probably went on a vacation forgetting to tell his employees. The media still didn't believe it. It put a lot of stress on the people who worked there. Especially Henry. He was the one who was keeping everyone in check and paying bills. He was the one who gave out the cheques every month. He was the one who made sure everything was in line. But that made him stress and worry much more then he should have. And it worried Y/n horribly.

It was the end of the day. Henry and Y/n were cleaning up the place. While cleaning, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. But this time, it was way worse. Uncomfortable, she finished cleaning quickly and ran to Henry. "Henry, I think there is someone else here in the building. Somebody was watching me. And I know it wasn't my imagination." She said, scared. "Y/n, you could be overreacting. If it makes you feel better, I'll do a quick search around the place, Okay?" Henry told her. He went off.

Y/n felt really uncomfortable now. While she stood around, the feeling kept getting worse and worse. To the point where she would just want to run out of the studio and drive away. Henry came back a short while later. " I found nobody Y/n. You are probably overworked. Go home and take the day off okay?" Y/n nodded her head and ran out of the building. She got out her keys and drove away.

"Everybody's gone." I said to nobody. I had been watching Y/n for the past few months. And I could tell she was really paranoid ever since I started to watch her. If I showed myself to her, she would freak out and leave this job. Which would be bad. I really want her to stay. She was really kind to everyone here. Great at drawing too. Maybe she could help me bring back Boris! My smile grew larger. But then I remembered. How would I get her to come here?

-DING!- The sound echoed off the walls. I jumped at the sudden noise. 'Wait a minute.' I thought to myself. That sounded like the phone she always brought to work! I ran to her desk and sure enough, it was there. I stared at it. Maybe I could take it! Maybe she would come looking for it and I would give it back to her and we would become friends! Maybe she could help me! Before I had second thoughts, I grabbed the phone and hid.

Y/n drove home in silence. She felt like she was forgetting something. But didn't check until she was out of the car. "Sketchbooks...check. Files.....check. Pens....check. Phone....MY PHONE!" She gasped. Y/n shoved all her stuff in the backseat of her car and hopped in the front. She quickly drove out of the parking spot and drove quickly to the studio. Checking her watch, it was 11:46. By the time she would've got home, it would be 1:00am. "Damnit, stupid me." Y/n grumbled.

She pulled into the parking lot. This place looked way more scary and gross at night. Y/n took out her spare key and opened the door. Everything was dead silent. Not a single living thing was in here. Or so she thought. She went to her desk and found nothing. 'I thought I left it here...?' She wondered. Now she was worried. Y/n wandered around, looking for the phone. She came across this room that said "Keep out!". This made Y/n curious.

She pushed open the door. And right in front of her was a horrific sight. She stopped breathing. In front of her was a tall, inky wolf. With its chest cut open revealing ink and mechanics. Y/n put a hand over her mouth. Now she was terrified. "What the hell did Joey do to you?" She whispered. Dried ink was everywhere. Y/n couldn't take it she ran out of the room. She needed to sit down. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." She repeated over and over. This was a nightmare

"This was a mistake. I'll come back in the morning." Y/n breathed heavily. She walked around trying to find the door.

"What is she doing?" I whispered to myself. She was leaving! This wasn't how the plan worked! 'I gotta get her to stay some how.' I thought. Sighing, there was only one option. I needed to scare her. "I'm not gonna enjoy this." I said aloud. Ink started to cover my vision. My fiat tightened around the f/c phone.

"Finally. I found the exit." Y/n sighed in relief. Then, something dark covered the door. Y/n stopped dead in her tracks. She looked up at the... the THING. It had a familiar smile. A familiar cartoon smile. Y/n couldn't take it anymore. She let lose a ear-splitting scream. She turned on her heals and sprinted away from the creature. It followed in pursuit. Ink pipes burst. Flooding the place to ankle hight. Y/n trudged against the thick liquid. She dared herself to look back. It was right behind her! Her e/c widened as she let out another screech.

God, her scream hurt to hear. Sounded like she was getting murdered. I knew this place well, so I knew where she was heading. To the exit.

Y/n continued to sprint/trudge through the ink. Bright green letters were visible in the dark. Exit. 'My escape!' She thought. Using whatever energy she had left, she ran towards the exit. -CREAK, SNAP!- The floorboards gave way underneath Y/n. She fell down. Landing on her leg, she heard a sickening crunch. Just before she blacked out, she saw a figure approach her with something in its hand. Her vision went fuzzy before she blacked out.

God, I felt bad. I really hated myself for doing that. She might not even want to be my friend after I did that. She might get angry at me for taking her phone and almost killing her. I worried about her though. She layed perfectly still and did not move. "Oh my god, did I kill her?!" I panicked. No, she was still breathing. Her leg looked really bad. Maybe I should just stay with her until she regains consciousness....maybe she would possibly forgive me?


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