Chapter 19

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Y/n took a deep breath and went down to the music department. Her tired mind weakly protested against her that she should continue on. She went back to the machine and stared at it for a minute. She saw all of its features and ink splatters. It gave her shivers.

Now, she was walking towards the place where she had seen Bendy. See here, it was dimly lit and ink pretty much flooded the whole place. But Y/n was determined to find the small demon.

As she walked closer to the inky room, she could hear soft sobs and little shouts of "I could've saved her" or "Why DIDN'T I save her". Y/n made it to the room, and the first thing she saw was a small, rigid figure slumped against the wall. Y/n spoke loud enough for the figure to hear. "Bendy?"

Hurtful thoughts echoed throughout my head. Tears slid down my face as I cried. Why do I have to suffer? What did I do to deserve this horrible pain? I was hunched against a wall still crying.

I kept repeating incoherent sentences about me being stupid and not trying to save Y/n. Well, what could I do? She was dead. Boris is dead. Everyone I knew is dead or betrayed me. And I couldn't do anything.

Then, as I was still in despair, I heard a familiar voice call my name. No. It couldn't be...

Bendy lifted his head and was shocked. There in front of him was Y/n. But she didn't look like what he had remembered her. Her soft h/c hair was matted with blood and ink, her serious but cheery face was now covered in cuts and bruises. Her body was half starved and her clothes hung in tatters.

Y/n e/c eyes filled with hot tears as she ran towards the little demon. She hugged him with whatever strength she had left. "I am so sorry bendy! I should've stayed here, I should've helped you! I...I" Y/n cried. Bendy returned the hug and tried to calm the weeping girl.

He felt his own tears falling down his cheeks. "P-please don't cry Y/n..." He whispered. They embraced for a while longer till they both let go.

Bendy felt his cheeks get warm as he looked at Y/n. Besides all the hurts on her face, he could see the beauty. Everything about her was perfect. Her eyes, hair...just perfect. Y/ns cheeks burned as Bendy stared into her eyes. Even though he was a demon. A cartoon brought to life, she could see that he was not a mindless cartoon. He was a living being. Breathing. And she loved everything about him.

Awesome. Finally finished this chapter. It took awhile to write honestly.
Sad news. Tomorrow the last chapter will be posted and I will begin working on the second book!
Details will be provided after the last chapter is posted. Whoop whoop.

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