Chapter 17

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~time skip cause why not~

Y/n had no idea what to do anymore. She had explored every nook and cranny in this place. Every office, room, station whatever! Y/ns ached with fatigue and dizziness. Her muscles were screeching at her to rest and sleep. Y/n couldn't stop here, she needed to make sure Bendy was alive and well.

Y/n walked to the music machine. There were no ink figures to disturb her. Nor any sounds or movements besides her own. She was so tired. She needed to rest. Sitting down beside the machine, she let sleep take over her body. Sweet, blissful sleep...

??? POV:
Yes... it worked. It is finally asleep. Finally, after striking a deal with that mangy looking man to take her away for awhile finally paid off. She was tired, bruised and most importantly, weak. Nothing could stop me now. Nothing! I would finally be free from this body. This, inky, body.

Y/n woke up in a daze. Her vision was fuzzy and she couldn't focus for a minute. She tried to rub her eyes, then she realised something. Her hands were tied together behind a chair. She couldn't move at all.

She struggled, failing to look at the dark man in front of her. He chuckled darkly, making Y/n aware of him. "So she is finally awake I see... that man certainly made you weak and fragile..." Y/n face paled. So, it was this guy who had planned her parents murder! This guy who had separated her from her only true friend!

Y/n stared at him in shock. He laughed at her state. Rambling about him being a prophet and his inky body or whatnot. Y/n didn't hear him until he spoke something about his God. Bendy. He turned and started to walk away. Y/n yelled and screamed at him. Repeating, "WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE IS BENDY!? HELP!"

A deep rumbling sound caused Y/n to turn her head in front of her. A door was slowly opening and the man was saying about taking her and calling a tender sheep. Then, over the intercom, she heard him screaming as he was drowning.

Y/n managed to get free from the binds. Quickly finding a axe, she took a deep breath and ran into the darkness. Swinging at monsters and boards left and right. Soon she came into a small clearing, where a figure rose. Y/n dropped the axe and gasped.

I rose from the ink, my vision was black and all I could hear was nothing. Then, I heard a familiar gasp. No, it couldn't be... she left me. She died! She was killed! I wanted to say something, call out her name, talk to her, be with her, just tell her how much I missed her! No. She was dead. Sammy laughed about her.

My heart ached for her ever since she left. I wanted to tell her that I loved her. But now, I never will. I will forever be alone with nobody. I am destined to be alone. Forgotten. My sadness suddenly turned to anger. Anger at myself. I could've stopped her from leaving. Her death is my fault! I will take out my anger on that person....

     They will die for coming here..

Y/n screamed as the demon Bendy lunged for her. She ran through the ink as she desperately tried to find a door. Spotting one, she reached for it and slammed the door behind her. Locking it. Her breathing was ragged and her clothes were bloody, torn and drenched in ink.

She saw more pentagrams where she was. This wasn't right. She should have been home with her family. Her mean parents scolding her. Being with whatever friends she had left. She slumped to the ground crying.

She didn't feel alone though. Another presence was in the room with her. At this time though, she didn't care. She gave up on living now. She wanted to feel the embrace of death. Looking up from her spot, she weakly called out "Come out..... please. I don't care anymore." Slow footsteps were heard.

And out walked a familiar character.

Whoa! Longer chapter today! Been busy with many tests and projects recently lol.
Anyway, I'd like to thank each and every one of you who is reading this horribly written story.
It really means a lot to me when people read it and comment on it. Thank you all :)
Anyway, the next chapter might be out either tomorrow or Wednesday, since I get out of school early.
Alright, that's all for now.

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