Chapter 8

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Y/n didn't return to the job for 3 whole months. She lost contact with everyone working there. She tried to get into contact with Henry, but he would never pick up or respond. Which was very, very odd. Usually he would pick up on the third ring. He would never, ever miss a call if was for the animation studio. 'Maybe he is with family or something.' She thought. It still heavily concerned her though. Her friend was another issue. This time, Y/ns friend had enough of her crap.

"Okay Y/n! I had enough with you and your job-thing! It is driving me insane! As soon as you get your cast off, I want you out of this apartment!" Y/ns friend yelled. Y/ns heart sank. The all too familiar pain of hurt and abandonment came crashing on her. Y/n didn't even respond fast enough. Her friend stared at her angrily, expecting a sarcastic comment or a snarky comeback or even just a simple "no!". But instead, Y/n simply said in a hushed and sad tone, "okay."

It was a chilly day when Y/n got her cast off. She sighed as she trudged out of the doctors office feeling defeated. Climbing into the car, she thought about where she was going to live until she found a cheap apartment. Now she felt stressed, alone and depressed. This was too much for a y/a (your age). Then she remembered about the animation studio! She could see the others! And she could see Bendy again!

She blushed when she thought about seeing Bendy. She remembered how kind he was to her. How he helped her when she broke her leg. Just how.... 'I can't have a small crush on him? We only just met months ago!' I felt sick. Blowing a few strands of h/c out of her face, she drove towards the studio. Excited to see everyone.

Y/n hopped out of her car and ran towards the building. She was so happy to be finally together with everyone. She even got out her sketch book so they could see how much she improved! Pushing the doors wide open, her lips curved into a smile. She opened her mouth to call out to the demon. But stopped.

Silence was the reply for her happy return. It was deadly quiet here. She shivered, even though it was rather hot and stuffy inside the building. "G-guys?" She whispered. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Y/n walked over to her desk. She knew Bendy was there. As dried ink covered the chair and desk. It made her smile a bit, seeing that the little demon cared about her.

She walked farther into the building. It was like a ghost town and she was the only person alive in that town/studio.
Then, she came across Henry's desk. What she saw on the desk made her blood turn ice cold. The chair was smashed and the desk had long scratch marks all over it. Like someone was holding on to it as they were being pulled away from it. Her breathing hitched.

'Something happened while I was gone.' Was the first thought she could process. Y/n ran back to her car and grabbed out the first aid kit. Inside was a pocket knife. She grabbed it and ran back inside. Walking around, she saw Joeys office. She opened the door and saw another door that was opened. Y/n almost vomited. There were blood stains everywhere. The smell of rotting flesh mixed with the stale scent of ink was horrible.

'Go down that door.' Her mind told her. Carefully and slowly, she made her way down the stairs. It had been the place where Bendy and her stayed for a bit. She gripped the knife tighter. The smell of rotting flesh was almost unbearable. Until she saw candle lights pouring out of a room. And in that room, was a man. He turned and looked at Y/n. She recognized that face. It was Joey.

"Well, well, well. Looked who joined us guys." Joey said mockingly. "Come, come. Your friends been DYING to meet you." Y/n looked in the room. She went rigid. Her face contorted into a emotion that was rage, sadness and complete shock. I front of her were Henry and everyone else who had worked at the studio.

Their blood was drawn in a pentagram with candles at every point. Y/n had to turn around and vomit. Joey let out a disgusted sound as he watched Y/n vomit. "That's not very lady like, isn't it Y/n?" She turned back around, light headed from vomiting. She then saw Bendy. But he was trapped. And unconscious. Y/n couldn't hold it in any longer. All her pain, anger and sanity let loose. She, in other words, snapped.

Joey watched her go rigid. 'Hah, she's is in shock right now. I bet.' His plan was working! His eyes wandered towards the knife she was holding. She was holding it so tight that her knuckles were white. "Why don't you put away the knife and go say hi to your friends?" He asked her evilly. He looked straight into her eyes. Something snapped inside of her. He chuckled. "Aw, is someone gonna cry?" He asked mockingly. She turned and looked at him. A crazed smile came open her lips.

Y/n twitched. She started to walk slowly to Joey. He didn't seem bothered by this. He kept teasing her and making fun of her. Then, she was a foot away from Joey. Joey looked unimpressed with her. "What're you gonna do? Stab me? Think again, cupcake." Y/ns breathing was heavy. She looked stealthy into his cold, hard eyes. She opened her mouth. And she let out the most horrible, blood curdling scream Joey ever heard. He covered his ears and winced. This was her chance.

Y/n lunged at Joey. Making him and her fall to the ground. Joey punched and kicked at Y/n. She couldn't stop. She kept  stabbing him in the arm, face and once, even in the eye. They both tumbled as they both fought. What they both didn't know, was a very, VERY pissed off demon woke up.

I groaned. My whole body hurt really bad. I felt like I had died. My vision was blurry, but I could make out two people fighting. As my vision got better, I realized it was a female and a male. My eyes widened. Shit. That Y/n and Joey! Y/n looks like she lost it, because she keeps screaming at Joey incoherent sentences. She had a knife and was trying to stab Joey. Joey was winning. He was repeatedly punching Y/n, making her weaker and weaker. My inky blood boiled. My fist were clenched tight. I gritted my teeth.

That son of a bitch was going to pay dearly.

Y/n was getting weak. She felt sore and tired. Blood was everywhere. It mixed in with the scent She was confused for a minute. Suddenly, a dark figure loomed over Joey. Y/n felt scared. 'Bendy.'She thought. Joey saw that she wasn't resisting, and he then punched her straight in the jaw. A sickening pop was heard. The wounds and pain made Y/n pass out. Joey yanked the knife from her hand. "The plan will work!  I finally did it! Yes!" Joey yelled. He was about to stab Y/n until someone tapped his shoulder. "What n-

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