Chapter 10

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It was quite busy for Y/n. For the few following days, she had been with Bendy. Apparently, when Y/n was away from her friends apartment, the friend threw out pretty much all Y/n owned. When she came back to retrieve her stuff, the friend hadn't even let her inside! She just gave Y/n a old shirt, pillow and Y/ns f/c blanket. Then, when the friend finished giving her the meaner supplies, she slammed the door in Y/ns face. Scowling at the closed door, she turned away from the door and left.

Bendy had also showed Y/n the room with the bed and dresser. It was a very old bed. And the dresser was quite scratched and beaten up. Y/n didn't care about the way the room looked though. She was happy that she now had a place to live. She quickly grew accustomed to the room. Though it was a small room, she was used to it. Bendy had helped her getting her set up and was there for emotional support. He was happy that now he had a friend and was not alone any longer.

After a few weeks of living like this, Bendy noticed he was acting....questionably strange around Y/n. Whenever she would be near him, his heart would beat faster and he would stutter when she was talking to him. Also, he always felt his face heat up when she is around him. He didn't know what this feeling was called. He wished he knew though. Because it was making Y/n worry about him. And it was driving him crazy because he had no idea what to do.

"Okay! Goodnight Y/n!" I called. She called back to me with the same answer. I heard a door close and the rustling of someone getting into bed. My cheeks warmed up at the thought of laying beside Y/n. That would be nice... Wait. There it goes again! The weird feeling grew in my stomach. Whenever I even THOUGHT about Y/n, the feeling would be there,

It was honestly making me get annoyed by it. I have no idea what it is! I wish I did would make things much more easier. I sighed sadly. Me and Y/n were becoming such good friends...I didn't want to ruin the fragile relationship we had together by asking her what this feeling was. God, I am so stupid.

Y/n tossed and turned. She was having a really hard time to fall asleep. She was attacked with horrendous nightmares. But the nightmares were actually horrific memories of her childhood and abandonment. But this stream of nightmares was different. They were so bizarre and odd. She felt like she was gonna die in a couple of those nightmares. Which made her start to hyperventilate. Then, it was all too much for her. One nightmare/memory was too horrific, too disgusting, Y/n couldn't handle it. She shot straight out of bed, screaming.
Tears poured out the girls eyes. Hugging her knees close to her chest, she sobbed and sobbed.

She could hear little footsteps running towards her door. They pushed the door open and a silhouette appeared. It was Bendy. "Y/n? Y/n are you alright?" Bendy ran up to her. She was still softly sobbing. Bendy climbed up onto the small, twin sized bed. He stared at Y/n while she cried. He had no idea what to do. Never before in his life had he encountered this situation. He had to act quick. Bendy thought of possible ways to cheer her up. 'Do a dance? No. Make her laugh? No. What should I do? I can't stand seeing her like this.' He thought up of only a single solution that had a chance of working.

He wrapped his thin, inky arms around the shaking girl. He hugged her tightly. When Y/n hugged him, he always stopped crying. This time though, Y/n still cried, but it had quieted down to breath hitching. Y/n felt comforted and calm when Bendy was hugging her. She slowly wrapped her arms around him too. Embracing for a long minute. Bendy was the first to break it off. "Are you okay now?" He asked her.

Y/n nodded. Wiping the remaining tears in her eyes. "Bendy?..." She whispered. "Yeah?" He responded. "Thank you. For everything. My life has been a train wreck before I met you. Before, I had lost all hope that I ever was going to be happy. Why live if you would be sad all the time? There was no point. When I got the job I felt so happy. And when I met you, I was even more happy. Besides the little arguments we had. Heh....heh..." Y/n started to tear up again. Bendy was startled by this information. She seemed like nothing had ever happened to her. Like nothing bad had occurred before in her life. But, reality is cruel. So very, very cruel. And life is even more worse. To put it, Life's Tough.

"I am so sorry Y/n." Was all he could respond to her, she simply nodded her head.  He began to get off the bed when I heard her say "don't go!" I turned my head to face her. Apparently, He looked very confused. She asked him quietly, almost inaudible, "Could you stay here with me for tonight? Please?" His faced warmed up quite quickly. "U-u-u-uh s-sure..." He stuttered.

Climbing to her side, he faced away from her. Even in the faint light from the hallway, his face looked very grey from blushing. He felt Y/n shift beside him. Then, he heard steady breathing from Y/n. Bendy felt uncomfortable doing this. But then sleep finally won him over. Without realizing it, he turned over and hugged Y/n in a protective embrace. Soon , the little demon was fast asleep.


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