Chapter 3

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Y/ns phone alarm went off at 6:30. She yawned. Stretching herself, she got ready for her first day at her new job. Having a quick shower and put her hair up in a tight braid. (If you have short hair, just leave it down.) Y/n decided to put on some old clothes since she was going to be covered in ink by the end of the day, anyway. She was not going to waste perfectly good clothes.

Walking into the kitchen, she prepared herself a small bowl of cereal. Y/n started to think about her friends sudden out burst last night about her job at the animation place. Why did she seem so scared? So angry? So concerned? Her friend really didn't care about Y/ns safety and well being very much. But this was entirely new to her. Cleaning up her mess, she left the tiny apartment and got into the elevator.

She reached the lobby and headed out to her car. Leaning back onto her seat, she also started to think about her job. Why did Henry give you a weird look when you asked him where Joey was? Why did Joey seem so... crazy? What is going on in that place? Those thoughts echoed in her head as she drove until she reached the old studio. Y/n glanced up at it. 'This place looks like it's hiding a dark secret and they don't want the public to know about it."

Henry was waiting by the door looking anxious and annoyed. "Henry, what's wrong?" Y/n asked. "It's Joey. He hasn't given us any orders or what we need to do today. This is not the first time though... but this time it feels different." Henry grumbled. Y/n was a bit shocked by this. Henry sighed. "Well, if Joey doesn't show up to give you a tour of this place, I'll do it."  They both waited for a good half hour. Joey never showed up that day. Nor was he seen or heard.

Henry had showed Y/n around the old, inky studio. 'It looks decent enough...' She thought to herself. Soon, Henry took Y/n to the spot were she would be sketching out the characters. It was right by a Bendy cutout and a long hallway. Chills went up her spine as she looked at the cheeky demon. Henry told her what they were working on today, and what she needed to get done.

Later that day, Y/n was working on a Bendy sketch when she got the feeling of being watched. It was the exact same feeling from yesterdays interview. Y/n turned around, but all she was looking at was a hallway and that damn cutout. She stared at it for a while. Something was different about the cutout... but Y/n couldn't put her finger on it. She stared at it for a good minute. A few people passed her and thought she was crazy. Shrugging, she turned around and began working on her sketches.

??? POV
I was wandering around the studio as a puddle of ink. I was really bored. I couldn't do much these days anyway. Turning around, I saw a cutout of me and the new girl working. I teleported to the cutout. I stared at the girl. She had beautiful long/short hair. Her eyes looked like e/c gems sparkling in the light. Her hands were quick and dainty. Just begging me to slip my hands into hers...(I had to redo the ha- thing because nobody knew what it was lol) Wait. What the hell? No. No no no. She is a human! I can't be in relationship with her!' My thoughts screamed.

All of a sudden, she turned around to face me. I had a better view of her now. I was able to see her features more clearly. God, she looked pretty. Then she stared at me straight in the eyes.  I felt my cheeks heat up from all this staring. Finally, she looked away from me and began doing whatever she was doing before. Quickly teleporting back to the puddle, I decided I would "hang" around her more. To see if she turns out like....Joey.

The studio was closing for the night. Everyone was packing up their stuff and heading out. You and Henry stayed back for a bit. Cleaning the place up for the next day. Henry was worried by the fact Joey hadn't showed up all day. It was weird and confusing. "Maybe Joey needed some time off?"Y/n suggested. Henry shook his head. "You don't know him. He NEVER takes the day off. Ever." Y/n was confused. "Did he have any....mental problems?..." She asked him slowly.

Henry sighed and looked at Y/n defeated. "Yes....and no. He was not like this before. Before, he was a smiling, bright young man. But, he then grew obsessed with the two characters. Like REALLY obsessed. Then, he started having breakdowns, screaming at us for no reason, never leaving this place to go home, going into a ink filled room with this ghastly machine thing.... I said too much.." Y/n was shocked.

They both cleaned the place up. They both cleaned in silence. Too much was said about this Joey character. Y/n felt concern wash over her. 'What happened to Joey? Where is he? Never leaves this place?' Her thoughts echoed in her mind. Finally, the place looked decent enough to work in again. But, before they parted, Y/n had to ask Henry something.

"Do you ever get the feeling of being....watched?" She asked him. Henry paused. Then spoke quietly. "Yeah. Sometimes though. This place holds a lot of weird secrets and mysteries. I'm just a guy who needs to pay rent." Then he turned and walked to his car. Driving away, leaving Y/n to stand alone in front of the studio. 'What weird secrets?' She wondered.

Y/n was back in the apartment. Her friend was not there. Probably at her "normal" job. By this time now, Y/n doesn't even think she is a friend to her. Just someone who really hates her. Y/n sighed. She didn't even bother to eat any food, she just walked into her f/c room and flopped onto bed. She forgot her sketch books at the studio, but she didn't care right now. All that matters right now was sleep.

??? POV
Joeys screams could be heard from the coffins from downstairs. I chuckled as a dusted off my hands. I walked around to find my old friend Boris. Still tied up and ink running from his open wound. I sat down and looked at my hands. I could've saved him, if I wasn't so gullible. Negative thoughts crowded my mind. Inky tears welled up in my eyes. "You could've saved him, Bendy. But you were too naive." I said aloud to nobody.

I couldn't see boris like this anymore. Getting up, I walked away from that room. I found the desk where the new girl was working at. My cheeks felt warm as I remembered what she looked like. Something caught my eye. She left her sketch books here! I grabbed one of them and stared at the cover. It wasn't anything special, but it looked interesting. Flipping through the book, I saw many different styles, drawings, poems and sketches.

A few of them caught my eye. Some of them were me and Boris. She recreated an old, old show. I think it was called "Sheep songs"...or something like that. Some drawings looked terrifying. A man with no face had tears pouring out of nothing. A doll with no head stood in a sketchy doorway. One that made me feel spooked was one of.... Me. But it wasn't me. It looked like the new me but my head was under my arm and all the characters from the new show layed dead behind him.

I shut the book quickly. My heart beat quickened. Placing it on her desk, I went to the room where Boris was. I turned myself into a puddle of ink and fell asleep.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I screamed. My fists were raw and sore from banging on the coffin for so long. Nobody could hear me though. I was angry. My own creation turned on me and put me inside this coffin! I kicked at the lid. "Wait till I get my hands on that filthy-" POP! The lid broke off and I sat up in the coffin. A crazed smile appeared on my lips. I guess my plan B would have to do.


Longer chapter this time! :D

Life's Tough. (Bendy x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang