AKTB | Good News | 1

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Good News
"Blake baby, we have a baby coming soon. I'm six weeks pregnant,"

~ Aliyah Sierra-Nicole Clarkson

|11:30 am|

Beautifull sat in the room with Aliyah by her bedside waiting on her to wake up. It was now 11:30 in the morning and she still haven't seen Chase yet. She just wanted to make sure that Liyah was okay first after the fall she had. She thought she was gone lose her too; the way the nurses had rushed her off.

The last time Beautifull heard from the doctor or any doctor is when he came in to tell her Chase was woke and was waiting to see her. Her brother on the other hand was finally out of surgery, but in a coma. She didn't know how long it would be before he come up out of that. She just knew it could be days or months even years maybe. She just didn't know.

She begin crying because she didn't know how to deal with all this; especially having three people she love the most laying in the hospital right now. It was way too much for her to handle and deal with on her own. Chases mom was away on a cruise they paid for , so she hasn't talked to her just yet. She didn't have her mom or dad around either. They were both killed to the hands of their own friends in front of her and her brother when she was only 10 years old and Blake was just 14. Their grandma didnt want nothing to do with them. She didn't approve of their mother since she was white and Dominican, so she despies them. Her other family didn't give a shit about them either.

They ended up in a few foster homes before they decided to run away and Blake took good care of Beautifull. He made sure she was straight. That she had clothes on her back, shoes on her feet and food on the table. Blake also made sure she stayed in school and graduate. He didn't want her to have any distractions. He kept her away from boys as much as possible until she met Chase. A notorious Kingpin that ran the streets from the north, west and downtown St. Louis. He had came into her life and swept her off her feet. It was like love and first sight. She remembered it like it was yesterday. Every detail as she begin reminiscing.


Three years ago Beautifull had met Chase at his mother's restaurant; Big Mamas Rib Shack Bar and Grill. It was a homemade soul food restaurant. It had just opened a few months back. Aliyah, and the twins Morgan and Marilyn wanted to go there because they had been talking about how good the food was. Plus, Aliyah knew that Blake hung out there with his boys, so it was a win win situation for her.

Aliyah and Blake had already been dating for a while and she wanted to see what he was up to, so they went there for lunch. The food was definitely fantastic, but Blake and his crew wasn't even there that day. He must of been out taken care of some business or something, so Aliyah just chilled for the time being and enjoyed lunch with the girls.

They talked, giggled and laugh as they caught up on each other lives. They all had been so busy with their own lives and doing their own thing. They finally was able to spend some time with each other. Doing what girls do; talk and much needed gossip. It was getting late and the girls were finishing up. Beautifull had to use the women's room, so she headed there before they was leaving.

She took care of her business. She washed her hands. Then dried them and fixed herself in the mirror. Touching up her face with a little bit of massacre and some clear lip gloss. She threw them in her purse when she was done and walked out the ladies room. She was heading back towards her table when she had bumped into Chase on the way, knocking her purse out her hand.

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