AKTB | Where It Hurts | 10

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Where It Hurts

"Some girl called his phone asking for him talking about they had been fucking around,"

~ Aliyah Sierra-Nicole Clarkson

| 1:25 pm |

"Aliyah put your hands on me one more time. I'm gone forget you pregnant." Blake threatened her as he stood in her face. She looked at him as if he was crazy.

"You ain't gone do shit. Don't get mad at me because your stupid ass just got caught up in yo fucking lie." She yelled at him pointing her finger in his face. "How could you do this?"

They stood there arguing back and forth with each other. They had been doing it since the morning. Some girl had called Blake phone and when Aliyah asked him about it he ain't do shit but lie.

"I'm not about to do this shit with you," He yelled before walking away and out the door.

"Don't walk away from me," she yelled back following behind him. She knew she shouldn't been running behind Blake. At least trying to anyway. She was four months pregnant and needed to be some were lying down, plus she didn't need the stress, but all she wanted was some answers.

"Fuck you Blake. Matter fact don't even come back," she screamed.

He hopped in his car and drove off. Just then Beautifull pulled up as Aliyah stood dumb founded with her hands placed on her lower back. She watched Blake pull off as she stood on their lawn. He had to get away from her. He knew if he would have stayed any longer, he would of said some shit he would have regretted, so he couldn't do nothing, but leave. He was so mad, and at himself he didn't even speak to his sister when she blew the horn at him. He kept on going. He was pissed and he knew he had fucked up with Aliyah. She was not going to talk to him for a while. He knew he should have been more careful with that girl he had been messing with. At this point he ain't know what to do. He got on the highway heading to the Trap. He had a lot on his mind. He never thought he would get caught. Temptations was a motherfucker and he couldn't help it. The more moody Aliyah was getting the more it pushed him away. He was in need of some pussy and was horny as fuck. Since Aliyah wouldn't give him none, he went else where. Even though it wasn't right, but he couldn't help it. What did she expect. He was man. What she wouldn't do the next chick did.

|3:06 pm|

Before Beautifull pulled up to her brother's house, she saw him speeding past her in the 25 speed limit zone. Aliyah stood at the end of the driveway with her hand on her back. She looked really pissed.

"Hey mama," Beautifull spoke stepping out her car after pulling in the driveway. Pressing the alarmed. She stood by her car putting her keys into her purse.

"Hey,' Aliyah spoke back dryly. Then started walking toward the house after grabbing their mail. Beautifull walked in behind her locking the door.

"Hey, whats wrong with you," she asked her placing her purse on the couch and turned Aliyah around to face her.

"Your brother is cheating on me." She told her with eyes full of tears. Beautifull was so shocked and pissed at the same time. She couldn't believe her brother. She was disappointed in him."How could he do her like that? She is the mother of his unborn child," she thought. She shook her head. Then grabbed Aliyah's hand leading her to the patio were they always sit and have their girl talks.

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