AKTB|A Burden Of Bad News|23

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A Burden Of Bad News
"I haven't talked to them yet. I'm still waiting and my patience is running thin. Man, if I don't find out what's going on within the next few minutes I swear,"
~Chase Lamar Hendrix-Gotti

Chase sat in the waiting area of the hospital waiting to see the doctors. Beautifull was in surgery and It had been over two hours and he was getting impatient. His mind was in over Drive as he thought about Beautifull and his unborn child. He was hoping they was gone be alright. He couldn't live with hisself if they don't make it.

He wanted to scream out in frustration, but he kept his composure as he tried waiting patiently. He tried his best not to think the worst of the situation, but it was hard knowing the love of his life hanging on a ledge. Telling hisself he wasn't gone cry, but Shit like this would break any real man. He couldn't though. Instead he did what everyone would do in a situation like this and silently prayed to the big man over and over again.

"What's up man, what they saying," Truth asked as he was coming down the hallway with Marilyn and Jeremi in tow. Chase had stood on his feet when he seen them. He looked at them shaking his head. Marilyn walked up to him first hugging him tight because she knew he needed it right now. He hugged her back and then they pulled away.

"I haven't talked to them yet. I'm still waiting and my patience is running thin. Man, if I don't find out what's going on within the next few minutes I swear," Chase trailed off as he walked away from them.

"Fuck man," he said in anger. He placed his forehead on the wall signing loudly. Jeremi walked over to him and placed his hand on his shoulders.

"Man they gone be alright, you know whatever happens they gone pull through it bro. You already know Beautifull a fighter, so stop stressing yourself Chase." Jeremi tell him as he tried comforting him. Signing once again Chase took in what Jeremi said. He sure hoped he was telling the truth because if he wasn't, Chase was gone loose it in this here hospital tonight. 

As Jeremi continued to speak his encouraging words in Chase's ear, he heard him clearly. He was just gone give it to God and pray that he actually see him through. He had faith.

Morgan and Blake had finally joined them in the waiting area. They were all family waiting to get the news just like Chase. Aliyah couldn't come down yet since she had just delivered her baby and was still under medication, so she was resting.

"Family of Beautifull Perez," the doctor called out as she walked into the waiting area. Blake walked up to her first as everyone else followed. Chase was a little hesitant at first because he was afraid of what the doctor had to say.

She took a look at her clip board at her notes as she brace herself for what she was about to tell them. She hated to be the burden of bad news, but it was her job. She had no choice. She had to give them this news carefully.

"As you know Beautifull was in a terrible accident. She suffered from some injuries, like a fractured arm, a minor concussion and contra-coup injury which is a shock that was produced by a blow to the body opposite to which the blow was received. It caused her to miscarry." She explained to them. Chase instantly broke down when he heard the news. Punching a hole into the wall he didn't take the news to well.

"Chase please," Morgan said to him trying to calm him down, but he was so hurt. He lost his baby he didn't get the chance to meet. Everyone else stood around still listening to what the doctor had to say.

"I had to surgically remove the baby or she would have died with it. Also she has a rupture of the cervix which she will not be able to conceive again," she continue to explain.

"Shit," Blake groan crouching down with his head to his knees. He wasn't feeling the news either. His own sister would never be able to give him a niece or nephew.

"She's in ICU now in a temporary coma. It should take a few hours or a day or two before she come out of it. Ms. Beautifull is a very strong lady. She's hanging on in there. I'm Sorry for your loss. I've done all I could do. Now we just have to wait." She finished telling them Beautifull's Condition.
Chase had stopped listening a long time ago once he heard the part about Beautifull miscarrying. He was very much so hurt. He was looking forward in bringing their little one into the world together.

"Will we be able to see her," Marilyn asked The Doctor.

"Sure Y'all can go head and see her," she tell them and gave them her room number.

Beautifull was laid in the hospital in a temporary coma surrounded by her family. Everyone was there to see her and comfort Chase and Blake in their time of need. Jeremi occupied the couch with Truth and Marilyn who had her head laid on truth's shoulders. Morgan stood in a corner looking out the window at the sky in her own world. While Blake sat in a chair with Aliyah on his lap. She was able to come down and see her. Their baby was at the nursery with his nurse.

Chase sat on the other side of Beautifull with blood shot red eyes. It seems as if he had been crying, but knowing him he couldn't. He knew he had to be strong for her and him both. He was just so mad and sad this happen to Beautifull. Loosen his unborn got to him. They were so happy to be expecting even though they were having problems, but they was getting it all worked out. They wanted to be better and in a better place before the baby come.

He didn't want to be in this position. He wanted to so badly hurt whoever had did this to her. It seem as whoever did it, done it on purpose. A hit and run. That wasn't a everyday thing. She still haven't woke up yet and it had been two days already. The noise to the machine constantly beeped. It gave them hope though, that she'll be waking up soon. She was breathing on her own so that was good.

Chase was upset he really couldn't get to enjoy seeing his nephew or neither did Beautifull get to see him either. It was just so sadden.

"Hey I'm going out to get something to eat. Do anybody want something," Morgan asked everyone. Chase nor Blake didn't say anything.

"Baby you not hungry," Aliyah asked Blake. He shook his head no and she turned to Morgan letting her know they was cool.

"Chase," Morgan called out to him. He ignored her not saying a word.

"Well I Just bring y'all something back anyway," she said to them and headed towards the door.

"Aye Morg wait up. Ima ride with you. I Need you to drop me off to my car." Jeremi told her. He was trying to go head and get some information on what happened. If any body been talking. "Chase bro I'll be back. Ima check on that for y'all," he tell them.

He walked out behind Morgan as they headed to the parking lot. Getting in Morgan's 2016 Taurus, one of her Finesse's bought her. She drove out the garage and dropped Jeremi off to his car. They both then went their separate ways.


Sorry for the long wait you guys, but here's an update. Sorry for it being short. I Hope yall enjoy it. THANKS! Happy Reading.


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