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"Aliyah and I been calling him. She's been having contractions so shes on her way to DePaul hospital and I'm meeting her there."

~Beautifull Amour Perez

"So how you like being a stepmom," Aliyah asked Beautifull. They were talking to each other over the phone. Aliyah was at home laid out on her couch watching tv and resting. Her doctor had put her on bed rest since she could go in any day now. She was 40 weeks and couldn't wait to see her little prince. He was taking his time though.

"To be honest I actually love it even though that bitch of a babymomma always doing the fucking most. I love Catiliya, but I can not stand her fucking crazy ass mother. Could you believe the bitch is staying with us? She really be trying me," Beautifull told Liyah. She was letting her know how much she hated and couldn't stand Chases Babymother Cassie. And how she was being annoying.

Cassie and Catiliya' was now staying with Chase and Beautifull at the moment until she got back on her feet. Well that was what she had told them. Her mother put her and Catiliya out on the streets. They had gotten into an heated argument. Chase believed her and told her she could stay. Every since she's being working Beautifull nerves getting under her skin. She even tried making passes at Chase a few times.

"I don't even see why Chase moved her into Y'all home when he could of just easily put her in her own shit," Aliyah tell her.

"I know but I want let him. That's what she want him to do. She thinks just because he's the father of her child he have to take care of her too. Naw I ain't having that shit," Beautifull told Liyah as she looked through the rack of clothes. She was in the mall doing some shopping. She was trying to find something to wear for her maternity pictures she was taken Soon as a family With Chase and Catiliya.

"He still have a daughter B. It would be for Liya anyway. She deserves it." Aliyah tell Beautifull. She nodded her head as if Aliyah could see her.

"You right."

"I know I am. Just think about it and talk to Chase about it," Aliyah tell her. "Shit!"

"What Wrong boo," Beautifull questioned.

"I'm having contractions."

"Really omg Aliyah my nephew gone be coming today," Beautifull asked excitedly.

"I'm guessing so." She tell Beautifull taking deep breaths. "Let Me Call You back. I need to call Blake and my doctor," she says.

"Okay love call me right back and let me know what happen. I'll meet you at whatever hospital you decided to go to." Beautifull tell her. They hung up the phone. Aliyah got up off the couch as her contraction stopped. Looking through her phone she found her doctor's number. She press the phone icon and waited until she picked up. As it rung she hit another contraction.

"Yes Ms. Clarkson you alright?" Her Dr asked as soon as she answered the phone. Aliyah didn't say nothing yet as she did her breathing method. "You're doing good," the doctor tell her.

"Do you think I should come in tonight," Liyah asked her doctor.

"If your contractions are five minutes apart yes."

"Well ion know f-," she was trying to say, but was cut off with another contraction. She breathe in and out. Her contractions were getting more and more painful. She barely could stand. She knew she had to call Blake and let him know. He had stepped out for a few hours, but she haven't heard from him.

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