AKTB|Baby Shower|19

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Baby Shower

"No momma its not. She wouldnt make this about her when its my day seriously mom. She's not like that,"

~Aliyah Sierra-Nicole Clarkson

Two months later, Aliyah stood there in the door way of her kitchen watching Beautifull go back and forth hanging up the decorations for her babyshower. Her mom Mrs. Valerie and Marilyn was preparing the food. As she watched Beautifull pacing the floor she begin laughing because she looked like a crazy ass maniac. She was all over the place.

"Whats so funny Aliyah," Beautifull asked her. She was wondering why Liyah was laughing at her because she didn't get the joke.

"Nothing Beautifull," she tried telling her with a straight face, but she just couldn't help it and kept Laughing. Beautifull looked funny as hell.

"Then why is you steady laughing because ion see the joke," she questioned rolling her eyes. She stared at Liyah with a stern look warning her to keep laughing.

"Just calm down B. You need to take a break. You nervous as hell. I can see you shaking frow way over here," she told her Shaking her head.

"I'm just trying to make sure your baby shower is perfect, so if it's all fucked up don't be mad at me," she warned.

Liyah knew she was lying. She knew Beautifull like a book. She was nervous because she was about to be seeing Chase for the first time since there breakup or whatever they was calling it. Plus she is pregnant and she needed to tell him so he could know.

"I know you B. Just take a break for a minute really," she told her.

"No I'm okay I have to finish these decorations." Aliyah signed rolling her eyes. Beautifull was being so stubborn and it was annoying.

"Look you pregnant B. I'll have Morgan to finish-

"Pregnant? Why you didnt tell me. No wonder you was glowing the day I met you at that resturant a month ago," she ranted on cutting Liyah off.

"You dont even know how to keep a secret," Liyah tell Marilyn rolling her eyes. She was annoyed by her cutting her off.

"Yea whatever. I Wouldn't of said nothing," Marilyn said rolling her eyes and sucked her teeth.

"Yea whatever. Anyways just go upstairs and lay down Beautifull. Ill let you know when all the guest get here and Morgan will finish the decorations. She on her way now." Liyah told her as she took the baby shower banner away from Beautifull. She placed it on the table.

"Okay," Beautifull agreed to go head and lay down. She then headed upstairs to one of the guest rooms. Liyah looked around at her house with one hand placed on her huge belly. "I got to give it to B. She got my house looking nice with all these decorations," she thought loving everything Beautifull had done.

Her colors where denim, blue and white everything. Its A boy signs were through out the house. Baby shower banners were up. Balloons were up and tide on the outside in the front yard. Everything was just perfect. Aliyah knew she did a good job when she chose Beautifull to be her Host. She couldn't wait til the day she help her with her wedding. She knew she was gone slay it. Just like her baby shower.

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