AAKTB | Finding Out The Sex | 5

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Finding Out The Sex


"Chase stop! Don't come up in here at damn near 12 o' clock in the morning and act like you didn't know that I wasn't still gone be fucking mad at you."
~Beautifull Amour Perez

Blake and Aliyah sat in room 5 waiting on her OB/GYN Dr to come see her. She was taken forever and her feet was hurting like hell. On top of that Aliyah was ready to go home and get in her comfy bed. Her appointment was at 12:15 and it was now 12:30. It shouldn't have took this long because she was there an half a hour early than usual. She couldn't understand what was taken so long. Just when she signed finally her late ass Doctor waltz into the room closing the door behind her.

"About Time," she mumbled rolling her eyes. Blake looked up at her with raised eyebrows.

"Calm down Damn. You making me nervous," he whispered.

"Making you nervous," she asked staring at him. He looked back nodding his head. "Whatever?" She stated rolling her eyes.

"How are you doing Ms. Clarkson," The Dr. asked sanitizing her hands. She dried them and walked over towards her.

"I'm doing okay just tired and ready to go home." Aliyah told her with a fake smile. She nodded her head and stared at Blake who had sat there not saying a word. Aliyah peeped her looking at him and introduced them. This was his first time coming to her appointment since he's been out the hospital.

"Is this your first child," she asked Blake.

"Yea it is," he said nodding his head. She smiled at them.

"Great! Well lets get started," she said turning off the light. Taken some gel she pour it over Aliyah's little belly bump after she gave her instructions to lay back on the examine table and raised her dress up. She took the transducer and rolled it across her stomach. As they all watched the screen as the doctor measured and showed them different body parts of their baby. Getting the size of the head and measuring the heart beat, they both was so happy to witness this; especially Blake. He held on to Aliyah's hand the whole time smiling.

Dr. Pierce cut on the monitor as they listened to their baby heart beat. Liyah couldn't believe she was experiencing a tiny little human being inside her for the first time and it was so exciting to watch the baby from the screen.

"Okay so your baby is fine and healthy. It's growing correctly and all that good stuff. Do you guys want to know the sex of the baby," she questioned still rubbing the transducer over her belly as she snap pictures. She stared at them waiting for an answer.

"Yes we will," they both said in unison as they looked back towards the monitor smiling.

"Well let's see," she told them as she continued to roll the transducer over her belly. She added some more gel and continued to search for the gender towards the pelvis area as you could see that the baby feet were in that area.

"It looks like you guys are having a boy," she confirmed typing the sex.

"Awe baby we having us a little Jr!" Aliyah squealed in excitement. Blake was excited to have a little him running around and he couldn't wait Until he was born.

After Dr. Pierce snapped a few more pictures of the baby, she turn the light back on putting up her stuff. She gave them a towel as Blake helped Aliyah wipe the gel off her stomach and help her down off the table. Dr. Pierce left out the room and came back with their sonogram. She made Aliyah another appointment for her to return. Then they both headed out the doctor's office Happy and towards their car.

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