AKTB|More Than Enough Tears|27

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Sorry For The Long Wait. I Dedicate This Chapter To Two Of My Lovely Readers @PrincessTiaraJackson && @NeNeSmith269 ! They've Been Patiently Waiting. I Hope You Guys Enjoy, Happy Reading!!!

Urban_PenSlayer 💋


More Than Enough Tears
"Don't do this Beautifull. I love you and only you other than Catiliya. Please don't leave. I can't live without you ma,"

~Chase Lamar Hendrix-Gotti

Beautiful instantly walked up to Cassie grabbing her by her hair quickly pulling her over the island to the floor. Beautifull punched Cassie in the face repeatedly as Chase tried his hardest to pull her off her, but it was to no avail. She had a nice grip on Cassie as she hit her in the face constantly not giving a fuck. Cassie tried swinging back, but she wasn't a match for B once again.

Screaming for Chase to get Beautifull off her. For Beautifull to be small compared to Cassie, she had the upper hand. Her small ass was a beast with her hands giving Cassie the business. Cassie got a few licks in, but that didn't do shit to Beautifull. She took those hits and continued to beat Cassie. She was tired of Cassie coming at Chase and not respecting her; especially in her house. On top of that she was pissed at Chase for even letting it get this far. She knew it was a bad idea to even let the girl stay there, but she only agreed because of Catiliya. She loved her like she was her own. When it came to her she would do anything for her include sparing Cassie, but this time she wasn't letting shit slide.

"I told you to stay away from my man," Beautifull screamed at Cassie with every punch. "Didn't I bitch?"

"Get off me," Cassie screamed trying to block B from hitting her again. She couldn't take anymore.

"Okay Beautifull let her go," Chase yell finally getting between them stopping B from swinging again. "You did your damaged." She instantly turned around and punched Chase in his face getting him off guard.

"Now I'm fucking done," she tell him.

"Fuck Beautifull," He shouted putting his hands up to his face. She had gotten a nice shot. You could tell he was gone have a bruise soon.

"How could you do this to me. Here I am feeling guilty for pushing you away, but you here trying to fuck your babymomma behind my Fucking back. I guess you just don't give a fuck about my feelings or the fact that we just lost our baby. I'm going through all this a lone," she cried pointing her finger in his face.

"It's not like that Beautifull. Nothing happened. I stopped it before it could get that far," he tell her.

"Oh really you want me to believe that when she damn near had you fucking naked," she argued as tears formed in her eyes. She was completely hurt by Chase that he would do this especially with every thing going on with them.

"Come on B. It's not like that baby, he tell her walking up to her. Beautifull backed up some not wanting him to come any closer. She didn't want him trying to touch her after he had his hands all over Cassie.

"It was like that. And you bitch," she said turning back towards Cassie. She was holding her face crying about her nose. This time Beautifull had broke it. She walked up over to Cassie, but Chase stopped her.

"Come on ma don't do this. You done enough," he tell her.

"Don't fucking touch me or tell me what I've done. You taking up for this bitch now?" She questioned him throwing his hands off her. She stared at him with a stern look as he looked at her.

"Daddy... Mommy," Catiliya called out. They turned around towards her. She stood in the doorway scared and with tears in her eyes. Beautifull instantly softened up. Chase walked over to her and bent down in front of her.

"Go up to your room baby girl and close the door okay baby. I'll be up there in a minute okay," Chase told her. She nodded her head and did what he told her to do. He turned back around looking from Beautifull to Cassie. They both were in tears not saying nothing. It was silent.

Beautifull didn't know what to say. She was done with everything. She was over it all. She figured if Cassie wanted Chase so bad, she would gladly give him away to her. She couldn't fight for him anymore cause it seems as if he wasn't fighting to keep her.

"You want him? You can have him. Be my fucking guess. I'm done. It's no more us." She tell Chase as she pulled off her ring once again, but this time she gave it to Cassie. Then she walked out the kitchen. Chase goes behind her grabbing her arm.

"Don't do this Beautifull. I love you and only you other than Catiliya. Please don't leave. I can't live without you ma," he tell her grabbing her arm again. He dropped down on his knees. Beautifull looked at him with eyes full of tears. He looked back at her with his own tears.

"I'm sorry Beautifull. Please let me fix this. Let me make it all right ma. We already lost our baby. I can't loose you too. This is not how it suppose to be," he tells her. "I need you ma." Beautifull closed her eyes. Hearing those words she broke down. She was crying so hard she didn't know what to do. So much was running through her mind. Everything that happened in her life. From her parents, to her staying in foster care, her brother stepping up taking care of her. Then when she first met Chase up until now with her loosing their baby. She had been through a lot and even with Chase. She didn't know if she wanted to stay or just go head and leave, but after hearing Chase say he needed her she knew then she couldn't just throw away what they have. It had been five years.

Her Best friend Zi was right all along. Chase was hurting about the lose of their baby. He had been grieving differently with the late nights and drinking himself to death. Then there was times she knew he was trying to stay strong for her. He was vulnerable. Leaning on Cassie to feel that void since Beautifull had pushed him away. Cassie took advantage of that because she knew she could.

"Baby please," Chase says to Beautifull looking her in her eyes as she looked back at him. She kneel down in front of him giving in as she wrapped her arms around his neck with her head in his chest crying uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry. I love you Chase," she tells him kissing his lips. She knew she couldn't dead five years. It would have been all for nothing.

"I love you more Beautifull," he tell her kissing her once again. "I love you so much." They both stayed in that same spot not letting go. They had a lot to work on and it wasn't gone be easy.

Cassie was pissed as she watched them with a hateful look still holding her nose. "That bitch gone pay for this," she thought. Cassie knew it wasn't over by a long shot. Beautifull was gone have to pay once again and it was gone be with her blood.

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