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"My Baby gone Y'all. They killed it,"

~Beautifull Amour Perez

Beautifull was finally out the hospital. She had been released almost a week ago and every since then she's been pooped up in her bedroom she had at the house her and Chase was sharing. She was devastated when she was told she miscarried and couldn't have anymore kids. She was hurt drowning herself in all her own sorrows. She couldn't understand why this happened to her or who could have done this. It had put her in a deep depression.

She felt like dying. All she did was constantly cry herself to sleep whenever she got the chance. Knowing she wasn't bringing a baby into this world or ever hunted her. Made her sick. She couldn't eat or barely got any sleep unless she cry herself to sleep. She was so broken.

Everyone had been checking up on her just to make sure she was okay, except one person she thought would be there for her, but he wasn't, she had no clue to where he was. Since she's been out the hospital he had kept his distance from her and couldn't understand why? If anything he could really be supportive and help her get through it. It was his child to. She just wanted him to lay with her or even give her some encouraging words that everything would be okay. She just knew he hated her and was probably blaming her for what happened and that made her even more sick.

Knock knock. There was a knock at her room door. She said nothing as she was wishing whoever it was to just go away. She didn't feel like being bother. She didn't want to talk to nobody, but just cry herself back to sleep as usual. The knocks kept coming. She still ignored it. Eventually Aliyah let herself in with the twins coming in behind her.

"Oh hell no," Morgan blurted out. "Beautifull get your ass up." She tell her walking over to her window pulling the curtains back. She did not like seeing her friend like this. She had enough of it. She could understand she was grieving and all about everything, but eventually she had to get out this funky ass dark room.

"Morgan chill out," Marilyn tried to tell her twin sister. She knew Morgan didn't give a damn. She say whatever on her mind.

"Beautifull Get Yo Ass up now," Morgan said Ignoring her sister and snatching the covers off of her.

"Go away and just leave me alone," Beautifull cried as she put her head in her pillow. Aliyah covered her mouth from the bad stench. Beautifull really needed a bath. She didn't know who this person was.

"Beautifull if you don't get yo funky ass up Ima drag you my damn self in that bathroom. You look and smell horrible." Morgan threaten rolling her eyes. Marilyn shook her head and walked over towards the window and raise it up to get some air to circulate. It smell bad.

"Y'all give her a minute," Aliyah said Still covering her nose.

"Your ass real funny Liyah. She need to get her ass up and out this house, or at least out of this room. It's not good for her and you know it." Morg said to Aliyah and Marilyn nodded her head agreeing. Beautifull had been in this room a little too long. It wasn't gone bring the baby back or change the fact she can't have kids. It was always other options like adoption or surrogate.

B whined as Marilyn and Morgan helped Beautifull out the bed. She smelled so bad. Aliyah decided she would just run her bath water. She ran the water letting it get to the right temperature. She poured some vanilla scented bubble Bath inside with two caps of bleach. She needed it.

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