AKTB | Shopping | 11

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"Not today. I'm handle this shit on my own time. I got my daughter and today is her day,"

|5:26 pm|

She stood in the same store with her cousin as she spotted Beautifull standing with some pregnant chick. She rolled her eyes.

"Man I can't stand that bitch. I wish I had a gun right now I'll shoot that bitch were she stood." She said out loud not even knowing.

"Who," her cousin asked turning around looking at her. She pointed towards Beautifull rolling her eyes. She had already been telling her about Beautifull taken Chase away from her, but she had plans to get him back.

"You wanna step to the bitch because you know I'm down for whatever." Her cousin told her getting ready to pull off her earrings.

"Not today. I'm handle this shit on my own time. I got my daughter and today is her day," she tell her shaking her head no as she placed her things on the counter. It wasn't the time or place for all that drama; especially not while she had her daughter. She wanted to catch Beautifull another time, that way she wouldn't know what hit her. They just decided to follow them around a little.

When she was done paying for her stuff, she exit the store. They walked into another store behind Beautifull and Aliyah and was looking around, so they wouldn't give themselves up. She couldn't help but to stare and follow them so Beautifull could get a glimpse of her daughter. When she finally did she laughed when she seen the look on Beautifull's face when she saw her daughter. She knew she had gotten a good look at her then.

"Damn right bitch yo man my daughter's father and he will know soon." She thought to herself with a smirked. Once she tell Chase about their daughter, she just knew he was coming home to her and she was making sure of that. She wasn't gone let nobody come between her trying to get her man back because she wasn't stopping at nothing to get what she wanted.

"Stupid bitch!" She mumbled as they walked out of the store with their things.

|7:01 pm|

While Aliyah and Beautifull was shopping around in Macy's, Beautifull had peeped some girl that was following them around the mall. Like what ever store they went into, she looked up and seen the same girl. She couldn't really say the girl was following them really, Because she could of been just shopping in the same store. But It Couldn't been no coincident. It was starting to irritate Beautifull. She knew she wasn't tripping. It was creepy as fuck for this chick to be staring so hard and just following them around like she knew them.

"Who is this bitch," Beautifull thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. She didn't want to make a scene; especially with Aliyah there. It wouldn't been shit she could do if shit pop off because she was pregnant. "At least the bitch could say hi or something," she thought. The girl just kept staring and looking away whenever B looked back at her.

Beautifull wanted so bad to ask her if she knew her, that's how serious it was, but she just decided against it. She must of thought they was cute or something. Beautifull just ignore the chick and continue to shop. Searching the racks, Aliyah had finally found the perfect bathing suit. It was Chanel, so she took it off the rack and headed over to the dressing room to try it on. Beautifull followed behind her. Waiting patiently for Aliyah to come back out, she came out looking stunning as she twirl in a circle.

"Yes baby. That's the one," she told her. The bathing suit fitted her baby bump perfectly. It looked cute. It was a leopard print one piece that show both her sides. Aliyah fell in love with it, so Beautifull had got it for her.

Just when they was leaving out the store after Beautifull paid for their stuff, they walked pass the same girl that she thought that had been following them. She held a pretty little girl in her arms. She looked about three. "She look like somebody I know," Beautifull thought, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Naw it couldn't be," she thought as they was leaving out of the store. They left the mall and went to have McDonald's for the night. Then after that they headed back to Aliyah's house to talk and watch movies. It was nothing else for them to do, but that.

Beautifull finally got Aliyah to bed from all the crying because she was missing Blake. Beautifull decided to stay the night. She could't just leave Aliyah like that especially not knowing if Blake was coming home. Standing in the kitchen eating a bowl of ice cream, she called Chase up. He picked up on the second ring.

"What sup baby? Where you at," he asked her with a slur tone. She could tell he was drunk.

"Hey babe, I'm with Aliyah at her house." She told him putting a spoon full of cookies and cream ice cream in her mouth.

"When you coming home?"

"I'm not coming home tonight. I'll be there in the morning though," she told him knowing he wasn't going for that.

|11:52 pm|

Back at the crib Chase and Blake had been drinking, eating pizza and talking shit. Chase phone started to ring while he walked in the kitchen to get him and Blake another beer. It was Beautifull. Usually she would have already been at home, but not tonight. He press the talk button talking into the phone. When he heard Beautifull say she wasn't coming home, he pulled the phone away from his ear like he didn't hear her clearly.

"You what," he questioned again angrily.

"Babe I'm staying the night with Aliyah. She had been crying all night and didn't want to be in this big ass house alone, so I volunteered to stay," she explained.

"That's not yo fault. She should let Blake ass come home than," he tell her with attitude. She laughed cause she could just picture his face right now. "Oh I bet my baby looking sexy mad right now," she thought.

"And he shouldn't be cheating. I'm staying here tonight," she repeated.

"I'm on my way."

"No-" Before she could even finish her sentence, he had already hung up the phone. "What the hell she thought not coming home. She got me fucked up!" He thought to himself. He headed back into the living room.

"Aye man lets go. It's time to go," he told Blake cutting off the TV.

"What for nigga. The game ain't over," Blake said looking at him crazy for cutting the TV off.

"Man you need to go get your girl because she kidnapping mines bru," Chase told him. Blake started laughing, but Chase wasn't. Wasn't shit funny. He was serious. He was trying to get him some pussy tonight and they was fucking it up for him. He was already drunk and high. All he need was a good fuck and he'll be good. He was about to go get his woman. "They ain't about to stop me from getting my pussy" he thought. "Let's go", he tells Blake grabbing his keys.

They grabbed their drinks and headed out the door. Getting inside of Blake's car he cranked his engine and they pulled out of Chase's driveway.


There You Have It Ladies And Gents. Man, Man, Man; Who Is This Mystery Woman Y'all? Enjoy, THANKS!

Urban_PenSlayer 💋

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