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Violet POV
It all seems so real until I shot up from our bed covered in sweat ( haha I got you guys so good!.) Taking a deep breath I sigh in relief to see Xander next to me & my baby bump still there .

Rubbing my stomach , I get up going down the stairs to grab a glass of water . Sweat rolls down my forehead constantly , until I hear a yell from upstairs .

I jump instantly not expecting it , going up the stairs slowly I poke my head around the corner . Xander is breathing heavily with sweat on his face , I rush forward whisper " you okay?."

He shakes his head wrapping his arms around himself , I sit on the bed whisper " shh it's okay " wrapping my arms around him . Xander cries in to his thighs , I rub his back whisper " hey it's okay I'm here the baby is okay ."

He looks up shaking his head , I whisper " baby look " Xander sobs before looking down at my bump . His cries start breaking my heart & my stomach drops at the thought of this .

Xander looks down at the bump , his eyes widening at it . He lays down covering my bump in kisses , I whisper " what's wrong?."

He shakes his head refusing to tell at first , but I tell him it's okay to tell me no matter what . Xander cries " the baby is okay?" I nod frowning down at him . Maybe he had the same dream .

I breathe in getting up to go grab a glass of water , Xander grabs my arm shaking his head . Taking his hand I pull him up with me , whisper " it's okay I'm just getting water " he chuckles says " aren't you carrying enough in there?."

A small smile spread on my lips , my mate finally coming back from where he was . Xander smiles says " stay there I'm gonna carry you " I hit him say " hey just cause I'm the size of a watermelon doesn't mean I can't walk ."

He chuckles says " I know love but I like the feeling we get when we hold you two your safe " I smile . Xander scoops me into his arms , I hold on tightly scared he'll drop me although he won't .

We go down the stairs , my eyes slowly shutting but staying awake as I need a drink . Only to know it's 5am , Xander says " love we need to get you back to bed your gonna be really tired ."

I shake my head say " I'm fine don't worry I probably won't sleep anymore anyway " he whispers " no love you need sleep both you and the baby ."

Hunter POV
I whisper " no love you need sleep both you and the baby " although Xander wanted to look after her i can do better. Violet nods slightly taking sips of the water , I carry her back up the stairs.

She starts to sweat again , I whisper " do you feel sick?" Violet shakes her head . I wonder if it's just fever. Taking her into our bedroom , I help her lay down and get comfortable.

Violet rests her forehead on my stomach , I feel the bump against my stomach but I don't mind as much. Her forehead continues to sweat even after an hour , I mind link for the pack doctor to come straight to our home.

I whisper " love the pack doctor is coming just sleep though if it gets too much ill run a cold ish bath for you " she nods slightly before shutting her eyes again. Violet sighs in relief against my chest , although I'm sweating myself as well.

The pack doctor walks in whispers " hey ill just check her temperature " I nod she puts something in her ear to check it . The doctor frowns whispers " are you sweating too?" I nod her eyebrows soon form back to normal.

She walks to my side whispers " Alpha your both in heat " shock soon spreads on my face , the doctor chuckles whispers " give her a cold bath etc and let me know how it goes just be careful cause of the baby " I nod understanding .

Violet looks up at me once the doctor leaves , she whispers " what does she mean be careful?" I shake my head whisper " nothing to worry about love just sleep or try to keep your temperature down okay?" she nods . Raised temperature might just kill our pup and I wouldn't want that for the both of us.

But I don't want Violet to worry or panic so I wont tell her unless i need to and will keep an eye on her whilst working .

We aren't losing the pup .

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Aesthetic_melaniee xx

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