Chapter 4: Escape plan?

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"You have messed with the wrong girl!" Shayna says sitting up "Lucky for me you didn't check me to thoroughly for weapons." She pulls a knife from its sheath in her boot.

"That is the kind of stunt we wanted you to do." Durgus said with a wicked smile.

"Well it won't go as you might have hoped it would. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you regretted getting me involved. Even without my powers I can still kick your ass into next week." Shayna said with a smile on her face. Before Durgus could make a move Shayna was already behind him about to strike when he jumped out of the way.

"How can you be moving so fast? Your powers should almost be completely gone by now!" Durgus asked

"This is not even half of my actual speed. In fact this is the slowest I've moved in a long time." Shayna told him "Now stop moving so that I can kill you and get out of here already!"She yells in a playful mood, as her head tries to process what's going on.

"Hmmm........ Then."Durgus said taking the advantage. "Your dizzy aren't you?" He asks smiling.

"Shut up and fight!"Shayna said running forward at him with her knife in hand.

"Little birdy needs to go to anger management classes."He said dodging the slash coming for him.

"And you can just go straight to hell!" Shayna shouts and tries again.

"Hmmm....." He analyzes his opponent's body movement. "Ah......Here it is." He said happily with himself. He lunges at her grabbing her wrist as the knife comes at him.

"Grr......"Shayna growls, Durgus jabbing his finger into a pressure point on Shayna's neck making her pass out unconscious.

"You should of listen little birdy." He smiles wickedly at her sleeping form, and places her back down into the bed. "Sleep little birdy and when the time is right you'll be able to fly." He smiles kissing her cheek and left the room locking it up again.

Haunted Motel:

"Why are we even going to the Motel?"Hydrus asks looking over to Akana.

"Because...... I think I can track her down." Akana said rubbing her shoulders as the harsh winds blow on her and Hydrus.

"What the hell you didn't think to share this with me!?"He yells feeling the wind starts to get harsher, and while seeing Akana shiver with cold he thought he would be nice to her since she went through a lot already.

"Here." Hydrus takes his jacket off putting it onto Akana's shoulders to keep her warm.

"What about you?" Akana asks worried.

"Don't worry i'm use to this type of coldness." Hydrus said. "So how are ya going to track her?" He asks.

"Find me a stick." She says zipping up the jacket around her.

"Ok." He says as he said that he found a stick that looked perfect. "Here ya go." He said while handing it to Akana.

"Thank you, now I can start." Akana said. As she starts drawing Hydrus see a triangle with small weird circle in it with words that he didn't understand. Akana drew and drew making a big circle around both Hydrus and herself filled with words and symbols. The winds started to break some of the branches from the trees, and making Hydrus feel nervous of what going to happen as the winds get even more harsh than it was before. It was getting hard for Hydrus to see what was going on, and not only the wind was bad it started to pour rain onto Hydrus and Akana.

"Et pontus et aer, ut mihi et mittam in eis dura, mittam magni sicut i beati haec terra cum aqua mittere dicatur regem ad maris et aeris. Leviathan!!!"Akana yelled out into the harsh storm. This was killing Hydrus he didn't want to be here anymore, but he needed to be with Akana no matter what even if this kills him in the process.

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