Chapter 11: Unexpected Alliance

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"Akana! Akana snap the hell out of it and get this asshole to let me go!" Shayna yells as the two of them pass through another door on the other side of room.

"Nakatsu?"Ryuga says adjusting his glasses on his face, and pulling out his sword at the same time.

"Yesss?"Nakatsu answers backing away slowly, and he lifts his head looking at the staring into the pumpkin orange eyes of Hydrus; pleading for him to help him.

"Stand down. I'll take them on, and you can enjoy the show."Ryuga said swing his sword making it turn into a big fan with razor sharp blades in it. Killa smiled hearing this, but she knew this body wouldn't be able to handle long range attacks.

"Hey, boy?"Killa answers turning her head smiling a dark grin at Hydrus.

"What?!"Hydrus said a little pissed.

"You can take care of this, and I'll be going on ahead. I need to kill that bastard who seal me up in this body."Killa said fading into the shadow smiling like the chesire cat at Hydrus.

"Wait, What?! Killa?"Hydrus yells at the dark shadowed place where Killa last stand.

"Uhg.... the boss going to be angry, but i'm going to kill you first."Ryuga's voice darkened making Hydrus skin crawl hearing his voice. Ryuga was going to wave his fan, but something stop him in his place. Ryuga turned his head to see Nakatsu had his tail wrapped around Ryuga left wrist.

"Ussse your chain Ssscythe on him."Nakatsu said using his arms as well to hold Ryuga in place.

"To see you working for the enemy means you have betrayed us. NAKATSU!"Ryuga yelled at the top of his lungs making Nakatsu ears ring, but that didn't make his grip loosen on him. Hydrus saw his chance, but he was so surprise that the slimy snake bastard was helping. He smiled a little grabbing a chain hang on his belt, and pulled it out swing it slightly casting light to shine off it blinding Nakatsu.

"This is for hurting Akana!"Hydrus yells throwing his chain scythe at Ryuga, but Ryuga moved his wrist that was holding the blade to cause a storm of blades heading for Hydrus. But Hydrus dodged just in the nick of time.

"Nakatsu, I'm going to kill you. And bring your head to our idiot boss, maybe you should be the sacrifice instead of that bitch of a witch."Ryuga laughing insanely grabbing his head grunting in pain.

"Ryuga, I know the truth now. You are bad guyss, and I'll help people who are hurt."Nakatsu said standing up for himself.

"I don't know why that damn bastard brought you here anyways. Your nothing but a dang pest, if you weren't here everything would of be fine. But, he saw something in you."Ryuga said a his hair cast a shadow over his eyes. "I wonder what would happen if I killed you right now, hee hee... your blood will awaken Storm blade. And his power will increase, then I can kill him."Ryuga said finally losing his sanity.

"Ry-uga?"Nakatsu stared at his once friend, and then he saw the pumpkin eyed boy slice his throat with his chain scythe.

"Huh?"that was the last word Ryuga said before he died instantly from his head being chopped off.

"Thanks."Hydrus scratch his chain, and then grab a cloth to wipe the blood that stained his blade.

"Hey?"Nakatsu said in a quiet voice.

"Are we always killers?"Nakatsu says as a tear slips through landing on the deceased.

"Hmm....the answer I can give you is not always true. Once something is lost it can never go back, like a white rose if it lost a petal that turns black; it can never turn white again."Hydrus said giving an example.

"I don't undersstand?"Nakatsu whimpered as more tears spewed out his eyes.

"We are not just killers, we are savers. Trust the light that has bestow itself to you, and hey?"Hydrus said.

"Yess?"Nakatsu answers wiping away the tears.

"I'm Hydrus, will you help us save our friend?"Hydrus say putting his hand out for the snake creature.

"Ssure, I'm Nakatsssu Sssorahebisski" Nakatsu says grabbing Hydrus's hand.

"I know that already, but damn that is a mouth full." Hydrus said running to the doors that leads to Shayna and Akana.

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