Chapter 16: Irritation at the hospital

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"Wait! Justine, please don't kill him!" a girl yelled at the blonde hair boy pulling him back by the arm as he approached a man with long curly pink hair.

'who is this, what's going on here? Why does that man look like him?' Akana asked all these question trying to find an answer.

"Killa, I can't forgive myself for allowing this selfish poor dirty greedy bastard to knock you up."Justine yelled at Killa knock her onto the floor with his arm she was holding onto.

'Why, did he slam me to the ground? What's going on here? Who is he talking about that knocked me up? Why is this happen to me?'Akana started to tear up on the ground as the person Killa was crying while watching the blonde hair beat up the pink hair man.

"Please. Stop Justine...."Killa hiccup as tears spreaded rapidly down her cheeks, and making Akana crying begging for someone to get her out of there.

"This is for knocking up my sister."Justine yelled at the man punching him hard into the stomach making him knock out cold, but he didn't stop. Killa was watching this forcing herself up so she could go over there to stop the fight, but one thing was stopping her the baby was upset right now making her feeling nauseated. Justine kept beating and beating the living hell out of the poor pink hair male that his face was not recognizable anymore, and he pulled out the a golden knife from his boot. Killa instantly knew that the weapon was Attis the god of rebirth.

'Attis, no that's one of the weapons both Shay and I are looking for. What's it doing here with this guy?'Akana ask herself feeling more tears going down her cheeks making them sting from the raw skin.

"Tsuchida!"Killa yelled desperately raising her arm from the ground stretching as far as it will allow her to reach for the pink hair male hand. But, she was to late as the blade hit the male's heart making him bleeding to death as it was ripped out of his body, and tearing tissues organs from the body. Her brother got up from where he was at as his hair casted shadow across his face making him look sad, but as he got over to the silver haired girl bawling her eyes out for the dead man on the floor. He reached down with his bloody hands and yanked her hair as if was going to ripped from the scalp, she cried in agony from the pain trying to dig her nails into his skin as he dragged her across the ground away from the corpse.

"Tsuchida!"Killa kept mumbling over and over again repeating his name from the tip of her tongue making new tears go down her face just remembering what happened moments ago.

"Just shut up!"Justine yelled while throwing her into the wall making her back hit the cold stone bricks. Tears kept spreading down her face like a waterfall, and she looked down away from her brother's face disappointed in herself for what she has done.

'Who is Tsuchida?Why did Justine just kill him?Who is this Killa person, and why am I her?'these question popping up like mines in Akana's head making her head hurt. Justine put his hand under her chin making her look up at him, and he felt sad, but angry at himself most of all for allowing this to happen to his baby sister. She kept pulling her chin down so he wouldn't have to see the tears, but it was force up to look into his orange pumpkin eyes. Oh, how she could not resist those beautiful orange eyes.

"Killa."Justine started to say, but he couldn't find the right words to say to her. She stared at him for what seemed like hours have passed by, but then something broke her out of her trance. She felt the most softest pair of lips on her's as her eyes widen from the shock, but she leaned into the kiss more grapings his hair pulling him closer to her.

'What's the hell is going on?! He is your fucking brother!!!!'Akana yelled in her head trying to pull away from the scene right now, but she couldn't in a way. It remind her of Hydrus and her, and she wanted to be right next to his side at this moment instead of this. The kiss felt like hours to them as time has slowed down for them to allow this to happen, but then it was broken when Justine pulled away breaking the ever lasting kiss. She knew she shouldn't be doing this with her brother, but she couldn't help it feeling attracted to her brother. She loved it when her name rolls off his tongue, and his hands touching her making her body melt as they crave for the need.

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