Chapter 10: Going from Bad to Worse

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"Ahhhhhhh....." Akana screamed in more pain, and Hydrus saw this now in his memory never to be forgotten. He prayed to god if there was ever one; hoping Akana will come back to him, and promised to do anything for Akana as long as he lived making sure she was happy. Nakatsu was enjoying himself on Akana's blood, and learning all about her past, present, and future. He could taste the rich salted thick scarlet liquid burn his tongue as he sips the everlasting fluids. He stop feeling the body of the snake buried into the screaming girl reaching his mouth, and sucks one last sip of the scarlet liquid and unburies his fangs from Akana's collarbone.

"Ahhh..."Akana screamed coughing up blood a little from Nakatsu pulling his fangs out, and her eyes open slowly seeing pale greenish blonde hair and bright neon yellow eyes stare at her.

"Hy-"Akana coughs up more blood trying to talk. Nakatsu mind begged more for him to suck the rest of the girl's blood, but her looked at her and leaned down licking his lips and kissed her bloody lips. Hydrus started getting pissed seeing this and threw his chain scythe at the snake man kissing his girlfriend, but however the damn orange and yellow striped snake blocked it again protecting her master. Nakatsu pulled away licking her dried up blood around her chin.

"Your blood tasstess ssso deliciousss."Nakatsu said licking his lip trying to get the rest of the blood that was on it.

"Get your greedy damn ass lips off my girlfriend!" Hydrus roars throwing three cards at Nakatsu. Nakatsu smirked feeling part of Akana's memories rush through his body.

"Your blood tasstess like one from Tssukiakumachi'ss blood."Nakatsu said staring into Akana's now open eyes. Akana look at him pissed feeling light headed from all the lose of blood today, but he also undid a seal that has been undone.

"Akana?"Hydrus asks.

"I thank you for undoing the seal they had place on this girl's body."Akana said, but in a darker voice.

"Sso your Killa nowss, that explainss whyss sshe tasstess sso much like Tssukiakumachi." Nakatsu said hiccuping from the taste of the girl's blood.

"My.... half freaks can still be drunk from Tsukiakumachi's blood, poor things I thought you would have graduated from being drunk." Killa said possing Akana's body making her look up at Nakatsu crazy and insane.

"Where's Akana?"Hydrus yells walking closer over to them.

"Oh......ah I see now, your from the Noxlumen I right?"Killa chuckles to herself.

"I asks again. Where's Akana....this is your last-"

"Warning.....ah don't be that way hun. I'm just enjoying myself, and don't fret so much handsome she unconscious." Killa said winking over at Hydrus. Killa moved one of Akana's hands free and gripped Nakatsu tail hanging loosely on her body, and he unwrapped from around her from the hard crushing pain coming from his tail.

"You half creatures tails are still weak, can make up with how sexy you guys can be."Killa licked her lips smiling sexually at the drunk Nakatsu. Killa landed on the ground safely, and then pounce up onto the snake creatures chest tackling him down to the ground. She kissed his lips in a very aggressive way that she left bite marks on his lower part of his lips.

"That should take care of your drunkenness." Killa said with a smile on her face looking down at Nakatsu. The more Akana smiled at Nakatsu the more Hydrus wanted to kill the slimy bastard. Killa walk over gracefully to Hydrus, and she stop in front of him giving him the most lovingly smile at him.

"So... are you going to stand there, or kill him?" Killa smiled wrapping her arms around him giving him a hug. Hydrus looks down at her, but then looks back up at the snake creature.

Venture into the DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora