Chapter 18: Card Games and Punishments

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"They are characters from one of our favorite anime called fairy tail." Akana said.

"Happy is a flying blue cat..."shayna started.

"And Natsu is a fire wizard with pink hair who is his friend." Hydrus finished, and Akana and Shayna looked at him pleased they have taught him something good.

"Well done rookie."Shayna applauded clapping her hands three times.

"Fairy tail is number one alright."Akana laughed a little. The doctor smiled seeing how much energy radiated off of all three of them.

"You three are very cheerful for your age."the doctor said smiling, and he walked over to the door. "Oh, and I'll have some soup come to you Miss. Tsukichi." the doctor said leaving the room.

"So, when you start watching Fairy tail? Hydrus?"Akana asked smiling over at him putting her hand out for him to take.

"Well you have been out for four days, so thought I would watch some."Hydrus says taking Akana's hand sitting back next to her.

"Rookie...."Shayna paused looking at the two. "Hurt her and I warn you now. You have dealt your hand already and you can't take that card back no matter how much you want to."Shayna said pulling out a deck of cards from her pocket.

"Don't worry Shayna-senpai, I don't plan on taking that card back."Hydrus said having his hand up like a high five while Akana did the same. "I rather chase the person who has stolen Akana from me to the pits of hell, and take her back with me to heaven." He said making Akana blush. He smiled seeing Akana blush, and then lifted her chin with his other hand lightly kissing her lips. He backed away and smiled at her as she turn different shades of red.

"Well.....I didn't think 50 shades of gray could be replace by 50 shades of red."Shayna said amused seeing Akana turn more shades of red.

"I'm not an experiment you guys can use!"Akana yelled frustrated. Just then Akana thought of two things.

"Hey how long has it been since I went to the bathroom Shay?"Akana asked out of the blue, making Hydrus really uncomfortable hearing his girlfriend say this in front of him.

"About, maybe....."Shayna thought for a bit.

"Four days ago!"Hydrus answered clearly blushing red as a tomato.

"I need to go all of sudden."Akana blurted out, and both Hydrus and Shayna facepalm themselves looking at her disapproved.

"What did I say something wrong?"Akana asked.

"I love you Akana, but I don't need to know everything about your bathroom lifestyle."Hydrus blushed turning around facing the window.

"Alright, do you think you can walk?"Shayna asked.

"I don't know?"Akana asked sitting up and pushing the heavy covers off her body. She moved her feet to the side of the bed, and her back facing Hydrus. Hydrus turned around to see if he needed to help, but saw how exposed Akana's back was to him seeing her underwear cover her butt.

"Hydrus if you say one word as of this moment you will be in a hospital bed do you understand?" Shayna said looking at him with a look that could kill if she wished.

"Yes ma'am!" Hydrus said and turned to the window once again and really tried not to turn around when he heard the girls giggling in the bathroom. 'Keep it together. 'if you want to see another day don't turn around.' that was all Hydrus was thinking about hoping that it would work and keep him from getting killed. He heard the girls enter the room once more and waited for confirmation that it was ok for him to turn around.

"Okay tough guy you can turn around now." Akana said and with that Hydrus turned to face them and saw that Shayna had left the room without him noticing.

"Where in Shayna-sempai?" Hydrus asked.

"I asked her to go get me some clothes from the house that way I don't need to wear scrubs home." Akana said.

"Ah that make sense." Hydrus said.

"Yeah it does." Akana answered "Hydrus?"

"Yea?" Hydrus answered.

"I think Shayna is hiding something from us." Akana said in a soft voice.

"like what?" Hydrus asked now giving Akana his complete attention.

"I don't know but I am going to find out one way or another." Akana said folding her arms in front of her.

"Hfm...."Hydrus laughed a little. "I'll help you if you want."Hydrus said smiling that he can be helpful to Akana.

"Hey since it's just us two what should we do?"Akana asked pleading in her mind that he would continue where they left off.

"We can always play go fish."Hydrus said pulling out a deck of cards, but smile seeing her expression change a little. "Or did you have something else in mind?"He asked shuffling the cards in his hand. Akana blushed thinking what she wanted to do.

"H-how about who lose any card game gets punished."Akana said looking away from Hydrus.

"That sounds fun, so what card game do you want to play?"Hydrus smiles leaning close to Akana's ear whispering.

"Go fish."Akana whispered softly.

"Alright."Hydrus said giving the cards one more good shuffle, and then he place a deck of ten cards in front of both of them. He picked up his cards while Akana did the same thing, and they both check their cards.

"Ladies first."Hydrus said, making Akana giggle.

" you have a 5?"Akana asked.

"Nope go fish."Hydrus smiled laughing seeing Akana face get upset for a bit, until she pulled a card from the pile and she magically pulled out another five.

"Lucky."he said to her.

"Your turn."she smiled at him.

"Do you have a 6?"he asked, and she pulled the card away from her deck handing it over to Hydrus.

"Your turn."He said.

"Do you have a queen?"Akana asked smiling a little.

"Well yes her name's Akana."he smiled, and pulled a card from his hands and handed it to Akana.

"Yay! I got the Queen."Akana yells happy.

"Do you have a King?"Hydrus ask.

"Well....."Akana thought about it trying to see what Hydrus expression would be, and she smiled seeing him get a little angry but tried to contain it.

"It's you"Akana laughed, but shook her head no. "Sorry go fish."

"Well."Hydrus sighed and took a card from the deck. This game continued for five more minutes until Hydrus won, and Akana was wondering what her punishment would be.

"Ready for your punishment?"Hydrus asked as he moved the table where they were playing the cards.

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