Chapter 5: A past better off forgotten

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"NAKED APE SHE VERY INDEED SAW A GHOST THAT NEVER SHOULD BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!"Leviathan smiled at Hydrus licking his lip, sending down disgust Hydrus's back like he felt when Knight did the same thing.

"So are you going to tell me about them or am i just going to have play 20 questions?!" Hydrus shouts.

"The dark cultist are bad group, and........"Akana stopped mid-sentence going through her thought once again.

"And what?" Hydrus asks try to be patient with her because it was obviously very difficult for her to talk about it.

"Durgus..."Is what all she said that came out of her mouth.

"What is a Durgus?"Hydrus shakes her trying to get the answer out of her. Akana was far deep in her mind seeing her past flash before her eyes. Seeing pink hair flow through the dark winded night.

"Onii-chan, don't leave please!"Begged a crying little girl.

"Leave now, I never want to see you again."A dark male's voice hissed with venom, but the little girl caught up to the taller boy and grabbed his shirt.

"Onii-chan, why do mama and papa want you to leave?"The little girl asks wiping away the tears that stained her face.

"Akana......."The boy smiled wickedly, and then he slapped her so hard that she passed out. That's all Akana could remember what he did to her, and she couldn't forgive him no matter what. Not even if he were her old brother, she snaps out of her flash back feeling Hydrus shakes her body so hard leaving bruises on her shoulder.

"Akana! Akana!?"Hydrus shouts out trying to get her to focus on him.

"Hun.....Hydrus?"Akana looks confused at Hydrus seeing his eyes fawn over her, and pleading to say are you ok to her.

"Akana."Hydrus smiles hugging her deep into his chest.

"Where's Leviathan?"Akana asks trying to shove Hydrus away so she can breath.

"He left a while ago when you passed out. What happen to you?"Hydrus says holding her in place so she wouldn't leave him.

"You do know that a person needs air in order to live right?" Akana asked trying to catch her breath.. "I remember." Akana said looking up to Hydrus pumpkin orange eyes.

"You remember what?"Hydrus says.

"The note, the dark cultist, and Durgus."Akana said getting up from Hydrus's lap and dusted her pants off from the dirt that got on it.

"Does that mean anything at all?"Hydrus asks not to sure what she is leading to.

"Yes it does, I know where Shayna is."Akana said smiling to Hydrus lending a hand out to him.

"Where to Akana senpai?"Hydrus smiles playing along with Akana.

"First you need to call Anguis. We're going to need a ride." Akana pointed out.

"Long rides are my thing!"Hydrus fist pumps the air. "Anguis!"Hydrus cups his hands around his mouth and shouting for Anguis. After a few second a silverish blue thing swishes through the air over to them.

"Groan......"The serpent said to Hydrus.

"Yes yes, I know."Hydrus said pulling out some jerky bacon from his snack pack, and tossed it up into the air for the silverish blue serpent to eat.

"Garron....."The serpent thanked Hydrus.

"Hey Anguis can you take us on a long ride?"Hydrus asks.

"Gaaroon...."Anguis agreed to Hydrus request.

"Akana want to give the location?"Hydrus asks.

"Sure, Anguis could you please take us to knackgilvers far east in a twenty-five radius there is a shack we need to go to."Akana explained everything to the serpent.

"Gagagooon....."Anguis smiled to Akana saying yes.


Shayna starts to open her eyes, but finds it difficult to even do something that simple. She was trying to figure out just how much time had passed since she was knocked unconscious, but couldn't tell because it only felt like a few minutes. The more she thought the harder it was to determine. As she thought she heard the door open and close. Still unable to move she layed there defenceless and someone, most likely Durgus, picks her up off the bed and carries her out of the room. Why can't i move? I have to move! Little by little Shayna started to get mobility. She opened her eyes and saw that it was Durgus carrying her and that made her that much more determined to get away.She started to move her legs and arms making it harder to carry her.

"Awake are you little birdy?" Durgus asks clearly happy.

"Let go of me!" Shayna says her voice hadn't quite gotten back to how it was before.

"But then you would get away. I can't have that happen now can I?" Durgus said to her trying to make it sound like he wanted what was best for her. Shayna kept struggling and found that Durgus's grip only got stronger; as it got to the point that it made her cry out in pain.

"Now now. Lets settle down now shall we?" Durgus said.

"I hope you die. You fucking bastard!"Shayna hissed.

"Feisty aren't we?"Durgus smiled down at her.

"Looking at you makes me sick." Shayna said with all the hatred she could muster.

"Well then aren't you glad that you won't have to for much longer?" Durgus says giving a sweet butterfly kiss on Shayna's cheek.

"When I get my body to move I will slit your throat , and stab your body until it looks nothing like a human being. Then I burn your damn body to the pole like a witch! But before I do any of that I think I'll cut that tongue of yours out of your head."Shayna growled like a deadly animal.

"That's funny, because you are the witch." Durgus smirked turning left in the dark hallway. Shayna could feel every turn the sick bastard took, and prayed in her mind that Akana and Hydrus hurry their asses up.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The sirens went off screaming making Shayna's head hurt.

"It seems like your friends are here, and we made it to our destination." Durgus smiles down wicked to Shayna and putting her down on a chair.

"They will kill you!" Shayna struggled against the restraints Durgus put on her, but he slapped her smiling down at her seeing blood had landed on his glove. He brought his hand up to his lips, and licked the blood that stained his glove smiling at her while doing this.

"Sweet just like you little birdy." Durgus sang sweetly to Shanyna. He left her and went to sit down in his chair twenty feet away.

"Do you enjoy seeing others in pain or is this just for me?" Shayna asked.

"Yes and no" he smirks, "Also for my bad little sister." Durgus grabbed the wine glasses sitting by his chair taking a sip.

"How do you know that wasn't poison?" Shayna asked looking over at his drink.

"You want a taste?" he ask enjoying himself.

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