Chapter 7: The Strange yet Interesting Things that Happen in the Dark

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"HYDRUS!!! GET YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM MY BUTT!!" Akana shrieked freaking out, and making Hydrus blush. Hydrus quickly put Akana down and put his hands behind his back.

"I really didn't mean to do that I promise!" Hydrus said.

"Then why won't you look me in the eye?" Akana asked, but Hydrus didn't look at her. Hydrus couldn't get how Akana's Breasts felt against his back, or her butt on his hands. Just thinking about it made him blush even more.

" Are you okay? Your face is really red." Akana said putting her hand on his forehead, "you don't have a fever."

"I'm fine." Hydrus said and quickly looked away trying to get his head out of the gutter.

"l-let's just get your arm checked out."Hydrus stutters over his words.

"No it's fine Hydrus...."Akana blushed.

"Take off your shirt so I can take a look."He paused for a second, "Or do I have to take it off myself?" Hydrus said regaining his coolness. Akana blushed hating the thought of Hydrus taking her shirt off her without permission. So she glided her hands to the rim of the shirt and lifted it very slowing trying to not hurt her arm. Hydrus blushed seeing Akana's skin show off from her pulling her shirt up, but tried to focus on what he needed to do. Akana's turn her body around so she wouldn't have to stare at Hydrus while she pulls it above her bra that is still unlatched.

"Don't look....."Akana said a little flustered.

"Why, I need to look at your arm."Hydrus said.

"I need to hook my bra because someone unhooked it from its latch."Akana said a little pissed still throwing her shirt at Hydrus, and hooking her bra again. "There you can look at my arm now." Akana said keeping her voice stable as she blushes.

"Alright..." Hydrus said walking towards Akana, "Why don't you sit down, it probably be comfortable than standing." Hydrus offered. Akana sat down, and then Hydrus kneeled gliding his hands across her right shoulder taking a look it. She felt the electricity come off of Hydrus' hands shocking her making her jump a little.

"Sorry Akana." Hydrus said stopping only for a moment before he continued looking at her shoulder.

"We need to clean up the wound so I can see just how bad it is. That way I can tend to it more effectively." Hydrus said with a hint of concern. Hydrus pulls out a water bottle from his little pack, and then rips up Akana's shirt into a small rag and drenches it with water.

"My shirt!!" Akana whines.

"I'll get you another one; i'm sorry for this, but this is going to hurt. Please try to be still." Hydrus said grabbing her shoulders then leans in breathing down Akana's neck. Akana started blushing but still mad about her shirt being ripped up, but then feels something on her shoulder stinging.

"Ouch." Akana yelps in pain as her shoulder feels like it is being ripped apart.

"Hold still almost done." Hydrus said putting a little more pressure on the wound cleaning all the gunk out.

"Ow......stop it hurts." Akana whines tears cascading down her faces. Hydrus felt bad hearing Akana whimpered in pain while he's the one doing this to her. He pulled the wet rag drenched in scarlet blood away from Akana's shoulder then tossed the rag somewhere in the dark of the tunnel.

"I'm sorry...... I should be the one in pain not you." Hydrus voice wavers as his eyes sting from the tears spering out. Akana could feel his tears soak her body, she felt bad for him to. She was the one who dragged him into this mess to save Shayna, but she knew that Hydrus would insist on coming with her no matter what.

"Hydrus?" Akana said lean her head up to look at Hydrus. She brings her left hand up touching his cheek stroking it as if telling him it's going to be ok. He looks down at her leaning into her hands, and puts his hand on top of Akana's.

"I shouldn't be crying." Hydrus said using his other hand to wipe away his tears.

"It's ok to. You shouldn't keep it all in, all I ask is rely on others." Akana smiled up to Hydrus. Hydrus couldn't take it any longer he lean his head down while moving his hands to Akana chin lifting it up, and kissed her lips ever so softly. Akana could feel his chapped lips move with her feeling the hot sensation overwhelmed her. Hydrus leans in more getting overwhelmed by the situation, but stops knowing she could probably not breath.

"Uh....." Akana gasps for air feeling her face heat up after that long kiss.

"I'm sorry." Hydrus apologizes blushing looking away a little bit covering his face with his hand over his red face. Akana moves her hand touching her lips going through what just happened, but in a way she was happy on the inside wanting more.
"Um.....we should probably not tell that wicked blonde, or else she will kill me." Hydrus said sighing sadly. "We should get going if we want to save her." He said getting up.

"Y-y-you forgot one thing Hydrus....." Akana staggered trying to get use to her voice again.

"Hmm.....what's that?" he asks.

"The bandages, and something for me to wear." Akana said embarrassed for announcing that.

"Ah...shit! I'm so sorry Akana....i-i-i-i forgot." Hydrus apologized grabbing what of the left over shirt and wrapping it on Akana's wound, and then took off his short sleeved shirt with a skull on it.

"Here take this." Hydrus said in a low voice putting his shirt on top of Akana's head.

"Thanks." Akana said blushing glad that Hydrus couldn't see because of the shirt on top of her head. She pull it off her head while catching it on something.

"Ouch.."Akana groaned in pain, and she heard something hit the ground. Her eyes advert to the object seeing the flower pin Shayna had given to her, and she slipped the shirt on real quick to lean down and pick up the hair pin.

"Shay...." Akana said as tears streamed down her face. Hydrus walks over to her and hugs her from behind.

"We will find her, she is somewhere around here Akana. Don't worry." Hydrus said giving her a tight squeeze then letting her go.

"You're right, let's find her." Akana said determined and look back at the hairpin and decide to put it back into her hair.

Hello faithful readers! I am back and trying to update as much as I can. Sorry I have been gone so long. Work is a pain in the ass! Hope you vote and leave a comment below and I will see you all soon!

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