Chapter 20: Heading Home

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"Shay I hope you aren't trying to scare Hydrus again." Akana said as she walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm not trying to do anything. He is scaring himself by trying to figure out what is going on in my head." Shayna said with a light laugh.

"Hydrus why do you do this to yourself? You should know that only I should know what goes on in her head because I have known her longer. We tend to think alike in a few things." Akana said to Hydrus.

"More than just a few. We think a lot alike." Shayna said with a smile.

"We aren't Symines twins Shay."Akana smiled pushing Hydrus off her bed and layed back down covering herself in the warm blankets. "Night you two don't fight when I wake up or it will be hell for you two."Akana said drifting into a dark sleep.

"This has to be the place." a person said catching his breath leaning against a big wooden fence post. He stared at the paper in his hands, and then gripping it making it crinkle as he let it go in the cold night wind.

"Aww yawned stretch her body, and she saw Hydrus and Shayna still asleep making her giggle a bit. She got up from her bed and drape a blanket over the both them making sure they don't catch a cold. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hello sorry for barging in at this time." a man said entering.

"Uh...."Akana said unsure if he was safe or not, and still having trust issues was not helping her at the moment.

"I just came to check your pulse, Miss-"

"Who's here at this time and hour?"Shayna mumbled pissed a little that there was a person who entered the room waking her up, and she sent a death glare at the person who walked in.

"I'm doctor Heidwen, I came in here to check Miss. Tsukichi pulse. I'm so-orry for waking you."doctor Heidwen said apologizing to Shayna.

"Get on with it then, I want to sleep."Shayna yawned stretching her arms above her head making her breast show from her shirt. Akana saw this and sighed thanking that she at least tried to cover herself with the blanket she loaned Shay. The doctor walked over to Akana and took her arm and check her pulse in her wrist. They stayed like that for a few more minutes until he let go of her wrist and wrote it in his little notebook.

"Your pulse seems fine, do you feeling any sick at all?"doctor Heiwen asked.

"Nope feelin fine."Akana said.

"That's good to hear, that means you can leave early today. I'll go get your sign out sheet, so you can leave."doctor Heidwen said leaving and Shayna yawned so loud waking the snoring Hydrus.

"Why the hell is there a snoring hippopotamus in my room?"Hydrus mumbles sleepy just waking up.

"Please tell me you two didn't drink last night, did you?"Akana asked looking at them disapprove.

"No, he just stop me from almost killing a group of thugs robbing an underwear store." she said throwing her blanket at Hydrus who was going back to sleep.

"You stay awake. I did most of the work so you have no excuse to be tired right now!" Shayna said throwing him a look that sobered him up right away.

"Hell I never want to be on the receiving end of one of your death stares." Hydrus said and shivered.

"Damn right rookie." Shayna says with a smile "Anyways....Akana how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. Can't wait to get home and relax for a bit." Akana said with anticipation

"What do you want to do when we get home? Have an anime marathon? Or would you like to read manga all night long?"Shayna asked.

"Anime Marathon, with all the chocolate food with pocky on top!" Akana said raising her fist in the air pumped ready to get out the hospital. Just then there was knock at the door, and the door opened revealing Doctor Heidwen.

"Oh, I see everybody is up now." Doctor Heidwen said handing Akana a note saying she is released. Akana's eyes bulged out excited that she can leave.

"Chill there Akana, how do you have so much energy?" Shayna asked her.

"I gonna go get dressed and we can leave." Akana says smiling at Shayna grabbing her clothes and went into the bathroom. Hydrus looks over at Shayna, and they both look at each other worried about Akana. They were worried that she might not be able to look out for herself for a while. since she was unconscious for four days that was long enough for some of her muscles to weaken; not enough that she would be helpless but enough to slow her down, and she would have to build it back up.

"So how did your landlord feel about your apartment being trashed with holes in the walls?" Shayna asked Hydrus.

"Not too good. My rent went up because of it and I have to do all the repairs myself. Wait.... How did you know My apartment was trashed?" Hydrus asked Shayna.

"I was there. I mean come on I was asleep on your couch! Do you really think that I wouldn't hear someone come into the apartment when I was basically right by your door? Not to mention they ruined my computer and I might need to get a new one." Shayna said looking annoyed.

"What are you two arguing about this time?" Akana asked walking into the room fully dressed. Hydrus turned to answer Akanas question but stopped when he saw what she was wearing.

"Wow Akana you look really nice." Hydrus said staring at Akana.

"So you going to tell me what you two were arguing about?" Akana asked " and thank you for the compliment." she added looking at Hydrus.

"He forgot that I was at the Apartment when it got ransacked." Shayna said.

"Come on Hydrus she told us she was going to take a nap while we were out remember. Not to mention Shayna is a very light sleeper." Akana said.

"How was I supposed to know that she was a light sleeper? I don't live with her!" Hydrus said a little pissed of at how the two of them were ganging up on him.

"Cool you jets Rookie or I will cool them for you do you understand?" Shayna asked looking at him like he was not going to get too far if he decide to run out or try to take his anger out on them.

"I give up. Just let me be for a little bit, will you please? I just want ten minutes to myself." Hydrus said sounding tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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