Chapter 7

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              Hyemi's POV.

  We arrived at the place that the party is going to be and there was already journalist standing there waiting as the guards backed them off from getting to the guests. 

  "you ready?" Mark asked pulling me out of my thoughts. "oh, yeah" I nodded and he got out opening the door for me. I got out and took the hand that he offered. 

  "Let's do this" he whispered as he led us through the journalists who kept asking questions. I felt really uncomfortable.. I'm not used to being in the spot light.. I just don't like it.. 

  As soon as we entered mom and dad walked to us. "You look gorgeous" mom complimented me and gave me a quick hug then turned to Mark "and you look really handsome too Mark" he nodded and thanked her politely.

  "How do both of you feel?" asked dad "I'm fine just a bit uncomfortable by the number of people that are gathered here." I replied and Mark just stood there smiling politely.. I guess he's just as uncomfortable as me..

  "Well the guests are going to start introducing themselves.. remember you are in love.. it's just how it has to be okay? We don't need any rumors going around, do we now?" stated dad and me and Mark nodded. It's not really like we have a choice. 

  My parents bid us goodbye and soon after Marks parents came to see me... I haven't met them yet, but Mark told me that they are his parents. "Nice to meet you Hyemi.. I'm glad we have such a great wife for our son" she said and I nodded smiling politely.

  "Okay we are going to go now.." Said his dad. He walked away and soon many other guest came to meet us one after another. 

  After about 40 minutes of just getting know people, more than half I already forgot their names...

  "Ladies and gentlemen I would like to have your attention" I looked at the stage and saw dad standing there holding a microphone. Once everyone settled down he started talking again "Today we are gathered here for a special reason, but I don't think I'm in the spot to tell you.. It's Min Hyemi's and Tuan Mark's place to let everyone know." It was the signal for us to get up there and start the real show... 

  Once we got there Mark took the microphone. "Hello I would like to start of by saying thank you for your time gathering here, and secondly I would like to do something that I wanted to do since I met this beautiful lady standing next to me." He said... here we go..  

  He knelled on one knee in front of me. Act surprised.. I told myself and cupped my mouth and tried to tear up.. "Hyemi before I met you I though my life didn't need anything, that I had everything I possibly needed..  but the first time I saw you I knew that the biggest thing in my life was missing... that big part was you.. so will you make my life full and marry me?" He opened the jewelry box reveling a ring.

  Wow he really put a lot of effort into this speech.. tears.. forced tears came out of my eyes as I nodded eagerly.. You need to make everyone believe both of you are madly in love, I kept reminding myself.

  He slid the ring on my ring finger and stood up I hugged him. We heard cheers and clapping as we slowly pulled apart. He smiled reassuringly.. I don't need it, Idiot. 

  Once we got of the stage I walked to the bathroom leaving Mark to talk with the rest of the guests. 

  "I guess now I'm tied up to a person I don't love.. heck I don't even know.." I mumbled so no one could hear. 

  After a bit I was done freshening up and finally calm, I went back walking to Mark who was talking to a couple.. they were around my age maybe a couple years older. 

  "excuse me for being gone for a bit" I smiled politely. "don't worry, congratulations by the way" the female smiled and I nodded thanking her.  

  Mark took my hand in his as we excused ourselves to meet other guests.

   After another 1 almost 2 long hours the guests finally started to go home.. I felt relieved.. No more acting lovely dovly. I was about to call for a taxi but Mark stopped me "My parents told me to go to this hose, apparently it's our new home." my eyes widened by his words. "hell I'm not going to any house with you!" I snapped,... maybe shouldn't have... 

 "Chill it's not like I want that.. but do you really think any of our parents would take a no as an answer?" he was right... no isn't an option.. "fine" I said and got into his car.  I can't even live with my parents.. It's not like we are married already... 

  The ride was awkward. It took us about 20 minutes to get there because of traffic. It didn't make it any less awkward, that's for sure.  

  The house was normal sized. It wasn't small but wasn't big, at least my parents hear that I always complain about our house being to big and didn't buy a big house. 

   The house it self was modern. Mainly it was white with light brown pillars and the same color trim then and there. It had two stories, With a balcony above the garage. It looked good.

  "I'm going to chose my room" I said then remembered that I need the keys "keys?" I looked at him, he nodded and gave me the house keys.
  I walked in and looked around, Mark walking behind me "you know I don't really need you following me" I said and he chuckled. What's so funny "I was waiting for you to be done so I could tell you something"

  "What is it?" I asked annoyed "there's only one bed. The other room is empty." What? No way... "Fine I'm sleeping on the couch, the next night you're the one who sleeps there" I said and walked to the room I found earlier. Took one blanket and a pillow and walked down to the living room placing them on the couch.

  "I don't mind sleeping with you" he said. Is he serious right now? "Pervert" I mumbled and laid on the sofa covering myself with the blanket.

  "Fine then, night" he said walking off and I just hummed in response.

  I guess that's my life now... Living with some random dude. Sleeping on the couch. And I guess making food is something I'll have to do everyday from now on isn't it?

  But I decided not to think about it and just go to sleep



  Yey, finally another update! The past month has been hella stressful. But I noticed I tend to forget my worries when I write.. So yeah an update..

  I rambled to much again. Sorry.

  K bye~~

Status: Arranged marriage 2 {Mark Tuan}Where stories live. Discover now