Chapter 12

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   Hyemi's POV.

   We were congratulated by all of the guest, while me and Mark just smiled politely.

"Okay everyone let's go to the reception, there we will be able to congratulate the newlyweds properly." Said dad through the microphone.

Once dad was done talking everyone in the church started walking out to they're cars. 

"How long is the ride?" I asked Mark while he shrugged

"20-30 minutes, why?" 

"Oh nothing, just asking." I replied and started walking out, but suddenly someone grabbed my arm 

"We're in love remember?"  He said through a forced smile. I nodded "Yeah sorry."

We went to our limo and started driving to where the reception will be held. The ride was silent like usual, with neither of us speaking. I decided to look out the window while he did something with his phone.

"We're almost there" said Mark getting my attention. "Oh, okay." I replied shorty and went back to looking out the window.

After two or three minutes we arrived at a pretty big building, that was almost while with some grayish and gold accents. 

"I'll get out first and take your hand while you get out of the car" Mark said simply and got out of the car giving me his hand.

I took it and slowly got out. Once again there was a bunch of reporters held down by the security. I just ignored them and walked with Mark hand in hand smiling.

Once we got inside the guests started to congratulate us once again, we just smiled and thanked them. 

After everyone said they're congrats the relaxing music was cut of and my dad's voice was heard from the speakers: ''I would like to thank everyone who joined us today. First of all I want to congratulate our newly weds. I hope you're going to live happily" everyone clapped. 

Once the clapping stopped by dad continued "Please enjoy this celebration for our newly weds. Eat the delicious food's, dance just enjoy the evening"

Once my dad was of the stage he and my mom along with Mark's parents came over to us "Both of you are doing a great job so far" Mark's dad commented, I smiled "Thank you, this is more of Marks doing" He nodded

The day went on, from what I saw the guest enjoyed it, I threw my bouquet, Dad suggested to do the whole garter thing but I refused, I'm not letting Mark go up my dress, just no that's a big no no. 

After four more tiring hours the guest started to go home one by one congratulating us once again. 

"Finally everyone is gone" I sighed deeply as I dropped onto the nearest chair. "Don't complain you just smiled and did nothing, I had to do most of the talking" He said as he sat down next to me. "Don't mess with me right now, I'm tired and you complain that you had it worse, I. Don't. Care" I stood up and walked to the limo leaving him there

While I was sitting there I got a text from JinYoung so I opened it

J: How's the wedding?

I smiled to myself, he couldn't be here but at least he asked.

H: Fine I guess, but I'm hella tired.

J: A lot of work huh?

H: Don't even get me started, I wanted to die, and the heels.. just ugh

J: Ohh.. poor you, want to meet up soon? Catch up on everything?

H: Yeah I mean I need to ask if we're doing anything this week but I'll try to make time for you.

J: K. Thanks gtg now.

H: Kk. Bye 

I smiled slightly and put the phone back in my purse. 

After a minute or so Mark came to the car and told the driver to start driving us home.

The ride was once again silent making me fall asleep due to my tiredness.


I woke up in my bed, making me wonder what happened yesterday. "Maybe he carried me? no, he just probably woke me up but I don't remember"

I went to the bathroom and did my mourning routine, applying light makeup and then went downstairs to start making the breakfast.

Once I made the breakfast I went upstairs and went into Mark's room.

"Wake up" I shook him as he groaned "why?" he asked sleepily.

"Breakfast will get cold." I shook him again "Go down and eat if you don't want to eat cold breakfast" I said and walked out as I heard him groan and get out of bed

I was half way done with my breakfast when Mark joined me. As always it was silent as the both of us ate.

"I'll was the dishes just put it in the sink when you're done" I said and got up to wash my plate "okay" was all he said

I went to the couch and sat down turning on some random drama that was on TV.

I heard how Mark walked back up the stairs so I got up leaving the TV onto wash the dishes.

once I was done I went back to the living room and plopped myself on the couch and scrolled through the chancels until I stooped at the channel that had We Got Married on. 

I watched the whole episode and didn't even notice how Mark sat down near me and watched the TV as well.

"Why do I think this show resembles us?" I jumped by the sudden voice 

"When did you get here?" I looked at him wide eyed "30 minutes ago, guess you were to much into the show and didn't even noticed me" He chuckled

"Oh okay..I guess it does,, I don't know" I said and went back to looking at the TV screen.

I need to go to the company now, Bye Hem" he said and walked out

"Hem? I guess it's a nickname. But seriously Hem?!" I mumbled to myself but choose to ignore it and went back to watching the TV.


Another chapter is done. Sorry if I keep you guys waiting, It's just I have a lot of personal problems right now. But I'll try to post more often from now.

Don't forget to comment and vote I really appreciate it and I love reading and answering your comments.

K bye~~~~~~

Status: Arranged marriage 2 {Mark Tuan}Where stories live. Discover now