Chapter 9

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     Hyemi's POV.

  "I think I should get this set for the bedroom" I said to mom showing a black and white color scheme bedroom set.

  We were at the mall choosing the furniture for the house. Ever since we got here I didn't say a word to him, I ignored his presence.

  "Yeah I like it" said mom. I look over my shoulder to see where was that idiot. Once I looked over he was standing there looking at a white and blue bathroom set. I rolled my eyes, he already has a bathroom mine is the one who is unfinished.

  After about an hour we finished ordering everything we need and it should arrive home in a couple of hours.

  "Hyemi?" I heard Marks' voice but I ignored it like all the other times, and went to the grocery shop.

  Suddenly someone pulled my arm, I looked at the person who was doing that and immediately groaned "let go!" He said nothing just kept dragging me.

  While I tried my best to break free for about a minute, later on I just gave up, he's stronger there's nothing I can do.

  Soon we arrived at a jewelry store "what are we doing here?" I looked at him confused "oh someone decided to finally talk to me" he replied sarcastically, then continued "pick anything you like"

  "why would I do that?" I asked, like seriously why would I want to do that?

  "just pick one thing. Is it that hard?" He said, clearly frustrated.

  "fine.." I started to look around until a neckless caught my eyes. It had a little silver heart with a little diamond in the middle,

  "can you show me this Neckless?" I asked the assistant that was working there.

  She took it out and gave it to me. I examined it, "so pretty" I mumbled underneath my breath "I want this one" I showed Mark the neckless.

  "okay." He nodded and I handed the neckless to the cashier.

  Once he paid for it both of us went to out to find my mom

  While we were walking, we didn't day a word to each other, we just walked looking for my mom at the huge mall we were at.

  "Hyemi?" Suddenly said Mark breaking the awkward silence. "What do you want from me?" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

  "What did I do? Ever since we got to the car you didn't say a word to me, hell you didn't even look at me." He said with a hit of sadness and annoyances in his voice

  "Nothing" I said not wanting to start this whole conversation

  "Hyemi. I want to know" he held me by my wrist stopping me from walking.

  "What in the hell do you want from me?!" I said a bit to loudly making some people look at us.. I don't want a scene right now.. I really don't..

  "Tell me what did I do? I just went with you and your mother and now I'm your worst enemy?" He said not letting go of my wrist

  "Nothing. You only went with us even tho I clearly gave you a sign not to" I said annoyed, he only sighed and took my hand in his

  "What are you doing?" I said while I was trying to realise my hand from his strong hold

  "We're walking like this" he said and continued walking as if nothing is happening. I still tried to get my hand out of his hold, but after a bit I just let it be since I had no chance in breaking free out of his hold.

  "Where are you taking me?" I said when I finally gave up on trying to free my hand.

  "Let's eat lunch" he said shortly as he kept walking, dragging me along.  

Without much of a choice I was dragged to a restaurant. "Mark, what about my mom?" I asked and he just smiled, why are you smiling idiot? "She texted me saying we should spend some time together" he explained and all I could do was sigh..

"So what do you want to order?" suddenly he spoke breaking the silence. "I don't know maybe a steak." he nodded and called for the waitress.

Once we ordered it went back to the awkward silence so I decided to look at my phone. I didn't have any messages, so I just went through social media. 

"Hyemi" Mark called for me so I lifted my head up from my phone letting him continue, "I was thinking, maybe you want the master bedroom and I'll take the guest one" he said and I just shrugged 

"I don't mind, I like the master bedroom and I can make the guest room how I like as well." He nodded at my answer, then after a bit he spoke again

"Okay then, since you already chose the furniture you can sleep at the guest room, but while the furniture is built you can sleep in the master bedroom and i'll sleep on the couch" He said.

Why is he so nice all of the sudden. "It's your turn to sleep  on the couch tonight anyways." I replied rather coldly.

"I mean if it'll take more than a day to build the furniture, you can sleep in the bedroom until yours is completely done" he added. Why is he so nice, like seriously is he falling for me already?

"No I said we'll sleep in the bedroom by turns, so that's how its going to be." I replied as if I didn't care, even tho I was touched my his sudden kindness.

"I'll be sleeping on the couch till your bedroom is done, I don't care what you say." I was about to argue but the waitress served us our food.

"Let's eat" he said completely cutting off the topic we were  talking about. "Mhm, let's eat" I added and both of us ate our meals in silence.



Hello~ Sorry for the long wait... I was busy with my finals, then I had work so yeah....

But I'm back!!!! I'll try to update this and my others stories more frequently from now on since my summer break started. 

Okay I won't bother you anymore. 

K bye~~~~~~~

Status: Arranged marriage 2 {Mark Tuan}Where stories live. Discover now