Chapter 14

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    Hyemi's POV.

  I woke up feeling like complete shit. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to eat, I had no strength.  

  I tried getting up but in the end I just let myself stay in bed and hope that Mark doesn't get mad for no breakfast. I just can't  right now.

  It's funny how I don't care about school or anything, I'll just call them latter. But I'm more concerned that, that idiot won't get mad at me for not making breakfast. 

  I ended up falling back asleep.

    Mark's POV.

I woke up as always at the same time and went to the kitchen still in my pajamas. Once I got there, there was nothing on the table neither was Hyemi there.

  I decided to go to her room. She probably overslept.

  "Hyemi wake up" I nudged  her but she just groaned as sweat was all over her face. 

  I quickly touched her forehead. She's burning up. How did that happen?

Quickly I went to the bathroom and got a rag with some water. I went back and cleaned her up.

  Once I was done with that I went downstairs and went through out medication till I found the medicine I needed.

  I took a glass of water and the medicine, then headed upstairs.

  "Hyemi wake up" I nudged her when the glass and medicine were safely on the bedside table, but she didn't budge.

  "Wake up~" I nudged her again. No response

  "Honey~" I sang into her ear making her eyes flutter open

  "W-what did you just call me?" She asked while yawning, with slight shutters.

  "Hyemi" I lied, I'm not admitting that I just called her honey, never.

  "Oh.. Okay.." Is she disappointed? No, it's just her sickness

     Hyemi's POV.

  I swear he called me honey... Or was it a dream? No it can't be...

  I was lost in my thought when I saw a hand moving in front of my face "Hyemi wake up from your dreamland" he said and I looked at him

  "What?" I asked and he handed me water and medicine

  "Drink this" he hold it up to me. I shook my head

  "No I'm better now" I said as I tried to stand up but got pushed back to the bed as soon as my body shifted

 "I said drink this" He gave me the medicine again, with slight hesitation I sat up and took the medicine, drinking it.

 He took the glass from and helped me to lay down, covering me with the blanket. "how about the food?" I asked and he shook his head

 "I'm not the best of a cook but i think i can make us something" he said and smiled standing up.

 "Are you sure? I can get up and make us breakfast.. And how about your work? Aren't you late?" I looked at the clock "You have 20 minutes to get ready for work.. you can't make food so quickly" I sat up but he pushed me back down

 "I'll call my dad and tell him I need a day off" he took his phone and dialed his number. "no! Mark your work is important." I quickly stood up and tried to take his phone from him, bur failed he looked at me annoyed. 

 I thought he will yell at me but no, he slowly picked me up and placed me on the bed tucking me in "Work isn't as important as you, so shush and let me call my dad" he said and called his dad.

After a minute he hung up and smiled at me "How does Kimchi Kongamul sound?" (If you guys are interested it's a Korean soup that's basically out of Kimchi)

 "Yeah that sounds good" I smiled back and he pecked my cheek"I'll be right back" With that he walked away.

 Did he just- wait what? I'm so confused... he just kissed my cheek or am I dreaming.. wait why would I dream about that? I will never love him.. heck would I even like him.. But still why did he kiss me? I'm confused.... really confused. 

 I was thinking about what happened before he left as the bedroom door opened again. "I don't know if this will taste good for you, but I could eat it.. so I brought some for you" He said as he walked in with a bowls of soup.

 He placed the bowl next to the bed on the bedside table and helped me to stand up. "How are you feeling Hyem?" Hyem? I guess a new nickname

 "I mean.. I feel the same to be honest." I said as i finally sat up and tried to take the bowl from the bedside table, unfortunately the bowl was taken right before my eyes. I looked up at the person to blame for stealing my bowl of soup 

 "I'm feeding you" I furrowed my brows "I can eat by myself" he shook his head

"I'm taking care of you, so that means I'm feeding you" He lifted up a spoon with soup in it and brought it to my mouth "aaa~" he said like I was a child.

 "I'm not-" as soon as my mouth opened slightly a spoon was placed in my mouth.

"You're not a child, I know. Just eat.. please" He said as he brought another spoon to my mouth.

 " Did I just hear you say please?'" I asked in a teasing way. 

"Yes now eat.." He kept the spoon near my mouth. I opened my mouth as be brought it to my mouth.

 "I totally forgot to ask is it good.. I shouldn't be feeding you something you don't like." He asked concerned 

"Yeah it tastes pretty good" I opened my mouth as he brought another spoon full of soup to my mouth.

 "Okay thank god, I thought you won't going to like it" He looked really happy about it..Like to happy..

 I didn't question it.. but should I question why did he kiss my cheek... I'll just do it..

 "umm.. Mark? I have a question" I asked as he finished feeding me

"Why did I kiss your cheek?" He said as if it wasn't a big deal. I just nodded dumb-folded

"simple.. I started to like you"


So yeah the I like you stage began for Mark!

So sorry for such a long wait, I was suffocated with work and things. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any typos, please vote if you likes it and don't forget to comment feedback is always appreciated

k, byee~

Status: Arranged marriage 2 {Mark Tuan}Where stories live. Discover now