Just Your Luck

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The six of you started running into the underbrush of the forest, hoping to get far enough from both groups to form a plan while the other team took off in a different direction.

"Okay, our best option is to have two people trying to get their flag, two defending our flag holder, and one to be used as either if needed." Armin said as you all stopped under a group of branches.

"I'll go for the flag." Jean spoke up.

"I will too." Connie said as well. "I know I'm not all that good with the ODM but I think it'll be fun."

"Good. [y/n], you're going to hold the flag while Eren and I defend." Armin said handing you the blue flag.

"Wait, why me?" you asked taking the flag, but at the same time wondering why he was acting normal. Remembering Hanji said about keeping it visible, you tied it around your head as a headband.

"Because you're the smallest out of us meaning you're the easiest to protect and maneuver. Mikasa, we'll have you wherever we need you. Is that okay?" she just nodded in response.

You all thew on your vests just as Armin was going to say something else when there was a loud bang from where Hanji, Mike, and Levi were.

"That's the game start signal. Ready? Stay together until I say otherwise." everyone nodded in agreement as you all started walking further into the forest.

After a few minutes, you started hearing yelling from above you, then the sound of wires being shot out of the gear nearing your place on the ground echoing through the forest.

"Go, gO, GO! ThERe THeY aRE!" Sasha's voice was heard a few hundred meters away.

"Where are they?" you whispered to Armin.

"Shh, just stay low until we see someone. I still don't know who would have their flag. They could keep it with an attacker like Reiner or keep it with a defender like Ymir if they did what we did. If not then we'll just have to find out." you nodded at him as you heard more yelling.

"Armin, they're getting closer!" Eren whisper yelled.

"Mikasa, Jean, and Connie, get ready to go that way." he said pointing to the left of the group. "Eren, [y/n], get ready to go this way." he said pointing to the right.

"What do you want us to do?" Jean asked gripping his gear.

He thought for a minute before saying, "Go search the forest for anyone on their team. Try to find their flag holder and try to get it."

Just then the zipping of the wires stopped. Right above where you were standing. Nobody dared to move.

"Marco." was all Sasha said.

"Polo." Connie had replied while looking like he struggled to hold it in while Jean made distressed neighing noises.

Next thing you knew the six of you were surrounded by your opponents. Reiner having tied the flag around his wrist.

"Well, this was easier than I thought it was gonna be." Ymir said not showing any sign of thrill.

"Why don't you guys just give us your flag, and we'll let ya go?" Reiner said slyly.

"But won't that defeat the purpose of the game?" you questioned him, fully knowing that it would result in your team's defeat.

He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, then opened it back up. "S-shut up!"

"Wow, nice comeback dood."

"I-it's not a comeback if I never left! HA TaKE tHAT!" he said trying to out-roast you while his cheeks turned a slight pink from being flustered and put on the spot.

It's Not Your Fault- Armin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now