Chapter 1

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The sun rose over the Jade Desert. The growing rays of sun lit up the sand turning it into a rolling sea of gold. An occasional cactus or two and dead bushes dotted the landscape. It's amazing anything could withstand the scorching heat. I guess that's why I've always been fascinated with desert life. Even in the harshest conditions plants still find a way to bloom and thrive. A motto I've come to adopt for myself in my life.

I shield my eyes with my hand as I squint at the horizon.  "Isn't he supposed to be here by now?" I say impatiently.

Star walks up beside me with her arms behind her head. "The Chief said he'd be here, I'm sure he's on his way."

"He sure is taking his sweet time then." I mumble.

"You're not one for being patient are ya?" Star asks.

"Nope. Essix has always been suuuper impatient."Tiny replies innocently.

"What, no I haven't!" I reply way too quickly.

Star smirks at me. She can clearly read my defensiveness as if she was reading it straight out of a book. "Sure you do. Ha not."

I cross my arms. "Hey I'll have you know I can recount several instances where I've been patient."

"Mhmm sure. Go ahead and name some for me if you think you can." Star replies while absently waving her hand at me.

Man I really want to knock that smug grin off her face right now, but she has gotten me in a tight spot. Now I have to come up with a good example on the spot. Great.

"There was that time in Sand Town where I was patient while we were on that stakeout." I reply proud of myself.

Star props her hands on her hips. "Yeah only because Briggan stopped you since you were just about to storm the building the target was in. It just so happened that he came outside, and then immediately you jumped him."

I try to hide my embarrassment by looking away. "Well I was just doing my job, which was being drawn out, and I wanted to get it done."

Tiny climbs up on my shoulder.  "Hate to interrupt your conversation but I think I see him!"

"Where?" I ask while searching the horizon and squinting harder.

"There!" Tiny points toward the golden stretch of sand.

Star puts a hand up to her eyes to shield them from the glare. "All I see is cactuses out there."

"Cactuses don't move genius." I reply while elbowing Star. "He's right there are you blind?"

Star traces the direction where I'm pointing to the faint shape of a figure in the distance.

She squints harder. "Man how can you see that, that's extremely far away."

I smirk. "At least I can tell the difference between a person and a cactus."

Star huffs frustratedly and stomps off. "Just shut up ok? Let's go meet up with this mystical Master Chow guy so we can go home and get out of this heat."

"You sure you can see to make it to him? I gotta make sure you don't fall or something." I tease as I follow after her.

"Essix if you don't shut your trap I'm going to punch you so hard you won't be able to tell the difference between a person and a cactus."Star threatens.

I can't help but laugh at her angry threat. She is always funny to me when she's irritated.

Together Tiny, Star, and I trekked forward through the sand to Master Chow.

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