Chapter 37

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I brought my sword up just as the energy ball would have hit me. The force from the attack cracked the ground around me. At first I was doing ok holding it back, but soon I started to give in. My feet were slipping and my arm muscles felt like they were shrieking, so this is what death felt like. Wow what a way to go...being destroyed by yourself...only me guys. Then I heard Onyx's voice inside my head "Essix stay strong my young warrior." "How? I'm literally slipping away here." I said. "Keep going don't give up." Onyx said. "Easy for you to say." I said through gritted teeth. "Remember the cause you're fighting for Essix." Onyx said. I thought about all of my friends. Tiny, Star, Azula, Erde, Iris, Razor, Blaze, Maximo, Briggan; they were the reason I was still fighting. "You're right. My friends are the cause I'm fighting for." I replied determinedly. "That's the spirit. I will lend you my support, let's stop this evil for good." Onyx said.

Instantly I felt a wave of strength flow into my arms, it was like someone was holding my sword with me. I tightened my grip on my sword hilt and swung my sword downward;I watched as the energy ball flew back towards Dark Essix. Dark Essix tried to dodge it, but it was too late. There was a massive explosion; I brought my arm to shield my face from the blast. Dark Essix plummeted from the sky and slammed into the ground a few feet away from me. I put my sword back into its holdster and walked over to her, I was about to say something but Onyx's voice came out instead of mine "Dark Essix, once again we meet like this. Except this time you're going back to the void from whence you came." Dark Essix glared up at me "You only won because of Onyx, I would've destroyed you otherwise. Only Onyx's strength helped you counter my ultimate attack." Onyx answered for me again "True she had my support, but her friends were what really helped her power through it. Now it's time for you to go." I spread my large wings and they glowed gold, then a sun shaped portal appeared behind Dark Essix and began suck her in. But naturally as Dark Essix was being dragged backwards, she had to leave us all with some parting words before she was sucked into it completely "Just wait Essix. I will find a way out of the Nightmare Dimension, and when I do, I'll have my revenge!" Then the portal closed around her and I could finally relax.


Hello my friends!!
Your good friend Scarlet's finally got another chapter for you guys!!

I really hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Sorry I took a break for a day or two, I sorta forgot about my story...😅

But anyway as always please vote, comment, and share!!

Your friendly neighborhood ScarletApollo99 🕷

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