Chapter 39

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When we landed Tiny tackled me. "Essix!! I missed you so much!!" He then broke down into tears "I thought you weren't coming back!!" I picked Tiny up and gave him the biggest gear hug in history "Don't worry little guy, I'm not going anywhere." I took my hand and ruffled the fur on top of his head and Tiny hugged me tighter. After me and Tiny got done with our hug Star came over to me next "Well pal I'm sorry, I'm not the type to get all emotional, but I'm really glad you're ok!" Star gave me a giant bear hug. Azula ran over to Briggan "Briggan!! Oh I missed you little bro!!" She locked him in a headlock and gave him a nuggee, then she gave him a hug "Essix I can't thank you enough for saving Briggan!" I smiled "Don't mention it." Star had a mischievous look on her face " and Briggan kissed huh?" "Are you serious?! You read my mind again?!" I said furiously "Ooh I'm gonna kill you when-"

"Essix!" Iris called me over to the rest of the Elementals. I narrowed my eyes at Star "You got lucky, next time will be different." I walked over to where they were standing. Maximo spoke first when I got to them "Essix I can't thank you enough for what you've done." "Don't mention it guys, I was just trying to help." I replied. There was a bright flash of gold light and I was back to my normal self. "I held up the Warrior Stone "So do you guys need this back?" "No keep it. It was meant for you anyway." Erde replied. "Um ok...what am I supposed to do with it now?" I asked. "Keep it with you at all times, maybe wear it like a necklace. That'd be cute right?" Iris said with a smile. "Yeah I guess I could. Oh and thanks for fighting alongside my friends, that really meant a lot to me." I replied. "Of course, fighting with them was an honor."

After all the reunions were over it was time to go. The Elementals were going back to their homes and me and my crew were going back to our home too. Before we took off I turned and waved at the Elementals one last time, then I tucked the Warrior Stone into my bag. We all took off and headed for the Forgotten Village. Briggan dropped back and flew beside me, I was so happy that I might actually have a relationship that works out. (Again, those are stories for another time.) Star looked over at me and smirked, then she made a kissing face at me. I narrowed my eyes and raised my fist and she shrugged and turned away. I could tell this was going to be a long flight...


Hello my fellow readers!!

I hope you all enjoyed A Warrior's Quest!! Unfortunately this was the last chapter of the story. I hope all of you enjoyed the story, and I appreciate all of you who have read it!!

Don't worry Scarlett's going to be back in action soon!! I have another idea for a brand new story! It's going to have something to do with Scarlet Spider!! I'm sorry, he's my obession... 😅
But anyway, I'm hoping it's going to turn out well and I hope all of you will check it out!!

Your friendly neighborhood ScarletApollo99 🕷

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