Chapter 22

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Ashtown looked a lot like my village. It had a bunch of market stalls, a school, and it even had a building that looked like a temple. Star's voice brought me out of my thoughts "So where do we go now?" "I don't know actually." Razor replied. I noticed a big crowd gathered in front of the temple like building. "Why don't we see what's going on over there?"

When we got to where the crowd was, I noticed at the top of the stairs was a giant statue of a fox warrior. All the villagers around it bowed down and worshipped it. I turned to the person beside me and asked "What are they doing?" "They're worshipping their goddess Blaze." "What? Did I hear you right?" Azula asked. "Yes. They worship m-I mean Blaze." She corrected quickly, she then looked down nervously. "That voice...It could only be...Blaze, is that you?" Iris said. "Shh not so loud, are you trying to ruin my cover?!" Blaze replied. "Sorry..." Iris said quietly. "Come with me, I know a place where we can talk privately." Blaze said.

Blaze's lair is right next to a volcano! There's a hole in the ground that she led us into, and then we followed a passageway and we came out into a big lavarock chamber. For all you guys who are wondering what lavarock is, it's a hard, red rock made by boiling hot magma. Even though we were inside a volcano, surprisingly it wasn't hot in there. There was even a fresh water spring in one corner. Blaze took off her cloak that hid her face and we were able to see what she really looked like. Blaze was about my height, she had red orange fur and gleaming yellow eyes. She had some deep red fur draped over her eyes and around her neck. A long orange cape flowed around her shoulders and it shimmered every once in a while like fire.

"I know why you're here." Blaze said while she moved the fur out of her eyes "I had a dream about it." "Yes! That means I don't have to explain everything again!" I replied. "I'll help you guys out, after all, that rat's got my my twin brother." Blaze said. "So I have a question." Azula asked. "What is it?" Blaze replied. "Why do the villagers worship you like a goddess?" Blaze looked down at the ground embarrassed "A while back I saved the village from being raided by this clan of ruthless bandits. After I drove them and their leader out everyone thought I was their savior." "And you like that?" Briggan asked. "Not really, I'm not a goddess...I'm nowhere near that..." Blaze admitted. "Then why do you put up with it?" Erde asked. "It brings them joy, and I can't make myself take it away from them." Blaze said.


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Your friendly neighborhood ScarletApollo99


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