Chapter 11

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We set off across the desert on foot with Erde leading. Tiny was riding on my shoulder when I noticed his ears pricked up (the sign that has a question) and he spoke "Erde?" "Yes Tiny." "Why can't we fly to the crystal swamp, isn't flying a lot faster than walking?" Erde rubbed the side of his head thoughtfully "Yes, it would be faster to fly there, but the wind here is unpredictable. Sandstorms can form out of thin air with no warning at all." I thought back to that odd desert storm that sucked me and Tiny in and I shivered despite the heat. Thankfully no one noticed, except maybe Tiny, and we continued walking.

After hours of non stop walking we finally came to the edge of the Jade Desert. Erde turned to us "We will rest here until nightfall, then we will enter the swamp." "Why do we have to wait until it's dark? Why can't we go in there now?" I asked. "Good questions. Fortunately, I can answer them." Erde reclined using a rock as a chair and then continued "The Crystal Swamp has a defense system for intruders. A Swamp Golem patrols the swamp during the day, if it finds you...well let's just say it won't be pretty." He paused then continued "At night the Swamp Golem patrols the outside of the swamp, making it easier to get inside, once we're in we can go straight to Iris." "Sounds easy enough." Azula said with a shrug of her shoulders. "So what does a Swamp Golem look like anyway?" Tiny asked. Erde went silent, a worried look crept across his face. Finally Erde spoke "It's...probably best that I don't tell you..." Everyone goes silent. You could feel the fear and tension in the air.

Briggan was the first to speak "Come on guys we need to come up with a game plan!" Despite the fear from earlier everyone managed to smile. I walked over to him and payed my hand on his shoulder "Briggan's right. We need to quit focusing on fear and come up with a plan." I noticed Briggan blush. Azula stood up too "So, what's the plan?"


Hola Señors and Señoritas!!

I just figured out that if you held down the key you would get the accent mark...
Heh...whoops...oh well 😅

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!Sorry I'm lazy with descriptions. Anyone who wants to draw what they think a Swamp Golem looks like send it to me!! The best one will get put in an author's note for everyone to see!!

*Puts on shades* So...are you guys up for Scarlett's art challenge?

P.S: Please vote, comment, and share!!

------ScarletApollo99 😎

A Warrior's Quest (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora