Chapter 32

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Star's POV
After climbing down the ridge we came to the bottom of the Pyrus Valley. "Are we any closer to the research facility?" I asked Blaze. Blaze looked around, then she knelt down and picked at the ground with her claw "Yes. This is the oldest part of the lava fields, the facility is not far now." I faced the small group of warriors that I had "Alright guys. We're nearing the facility, everyone needs to stay on their toes, Rabies is probably waiting for us." Everyone nodded.

"Looking for someone?" I turned around and saw Dr Rabies "You creep. What do you want?" "I just thought I'd bring you a present." He replied. "We don't want your presents." Azula hissed. "Present, not presents my dear. Anyway I think all of you will have fun with this one." Dr Rabies motioned behind him at someone. I saw a winged figure step up onto the hill beside Dr Rabies. Tiny's face lit up "Essix!!" He tried to run to her but I held Tiny tightly in my arms. "Tiny stop, that's not Essix!" Tiny looked up at me angrily and he struggled frantically to escape my grasp "What'd you mean that's not Essix, I know my own sister when I see her!!" Dr Rabies laughed "Maybe you should listen to her. She isn't Essix anymore, she's Dark Essix." As if on cue, Essix's golden fur turned black and her wings turned pitch black. The thing that scared me most were her eyes, they flowed red like monster or demon eyes. Tiny buried his face in my arms and began to cry.

"What did you do to her?!" Briggan yelled angrily. "I made her better, now I'm giving her back to you. Although, she might be different from what you remember." Dr Rabies said. Dark Essix drew her sword and charged down the hill. "Iris look out!" I yelled. Without thinking I jumped in front of Iris and countered Dark Essix's sword swing with my dagger. "Thank you!!" Iris said. "Don't mention it." I replied through gritted teeth. I was now locked in an intense sword fight with my best friend.(Isn't our friendship great?) While I was struggling to not get killed, out of the corner of my eye I saw Briggan run in the direction of Dr Rabies. He leaped into the air and was about to reach Dr Rabies when out of nowhere a ball of electricity struck Briggan in the chest. Briggan flew backwards into the ground. I managed to knock Dark Essix away from me and I ran to where Briggan was laying. "Maximo?!" Razor exclaimed. Dr Rabies laughed "Oh I forgot to mention him, well surprise. It's the best present anyone could ask for, to be destroyed by their friends and family." "You're sick and twisted Rabies if you think that's fun!" Azula growled. Aww, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me!" Dr Rabies replied. "Oh you like that? Well the next compliment is going to be my fist to your face!" Azula yelled.

"Still as fiesta as ever. No matter. Maximo destroy them!! Show them your power, rain destruction on them!" Dr Rabies yelled. Maximo's eyes glowed a bright yellow and the sky turned black with thunderclouds. Lightning arched through the clouds. Huge thunderbolts fell from the clouds and sent shockwaves across the lava fields. "Everyone take cover!!" I yelled. "And where do expect us to do that?!" Blaze shouted over the thunder. "Guys over here!!" Razor yelled. I scooped Tiny up and ran over to Erde and Razor where a giant hole had opened in the rock. "Quick, in here!!" Erde yelled. All of us jumped into the hole and Erde closed it up behind us.

Blaze lit up the makeshift cave with a ball of fire between her hands. "So how are we supposed to win?" Azula asked. "Well, to free Maximo all we have to do is break the control collar." I said thoughtfully. "But I have no idea how we're gong to save Essix." "There is a way to save your friend." Erde said. "Really, how?" Tiny asked excitedly. "Me, Razor, Iris, Blaze, and Maximo must combine our elemental powers; however, we can't do it unless the darkness is released from Essix." Erde said. "How are we supposed to "release" the darkness from Essix?" Briggan asked. "I think I know a way." I said suddenly, and idea forming in my head. "Well don't keep us in suspense, tell us!!" Iris exclaimed. I looked around at everyone "Ok, so here's what we'll do..."


That ends the two parter chapter!! I hope you guys enjoyed both chapters!!

Please as always thanks for reading, vote, comment, and share if you liked!!

Also one more bit of info before I go...
So Sunday I got baptized!! I'm really excited about that and I can't wait to continue my life's walk with God by my side!!

Anyways Scarlet's out!!

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