Chapter 20

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All of us watched as the tiny figure in the sky grew larger until Razor landed right in front of us. Razor was a little taller than Erde. His fur was a light blue color much like the sky, and his eyes were silver. On his back was a set of large white wings. "Erde? Bro, it's been a while!" Razor then turned to Iris "Sis nice ta see ya again." After a brief moment of a family reunion Razor turned to us "So who are they? They your friends or somethin' ?" "Yeah bro, there's a lot to talk about." Erde replied. "What da ya mean?" Razor asked confused. "It involves Blaze, Maximo, and all of Orea!" Iris piped up. Razor rubbed his chin "Hm, sounds important. Alright everyone follow me." Razor gestured with a wing tip in the direction of his cave, and all of us filed in.

Once we were inside, Razor sealed the entrance and led us into the center of the cave. Which was a big chamber with a skylight at the top. Around the floor was a stream that swirled around the length of the cave then suddenly vanished, it was like we were floating. "So what's this thing ya wanted to tell me?" Razor asked. I told Razor everything about our mission. He listened intently, and when I was done he whistled and stared up at the ceiling. "Well that's definitely not good. That Rabies dude sounds shady. I'm looking forward to him fallin' outta power. Consider my help yours Essix." "Yeah! Thanks Razor!!" Iris tackled Razor into a hug and gave him a hug. I saw him blush slightly "Anything for my little sis." Razor pulled away from Iris' hug and began rummaging through a chest "We'll leave as soon as I find my goggles."

"I thought you always flew with em' bro." Erde said. "I normally do." Razor said while he continued his search. "Well you didn't today." Erde mumbled under his breath. "I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear that." Razor replied in an annoyed tone. It took all I could do not to laugh at this, but I contained myself, aren't you guys proud? "Ah here they are." Razor pulled out a pair of silver and blue air goggles and put them on his head. "So what's so special about those? They look like any ordinary pair of air goggles." Azula said. "I'll have you know that when I put these on it protects my eyes from the elements. Not only that, but they also have a small computer chip that allows me to tracks targets and helps me fire my air missiles." Razor replied. "Whoah that sounds awesome!!" Tiny exclaimed. "Yeah I admit little dude, it is pretty cool." Razor said with a sly smile. "If we're going to reach Pyrus by nightfall we better go now. I can help manipulate some air currents to help, but the rest is up to us." Razor stated. "Alright then, let's move out gang!" I said.


Hey guys!!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter; please vote, comment, and share of you liked it!

Before I sign off let me share something real quick.

So yesterday and today have been tough for me because my Grandaddy who I was very close to passed away yesterday. I had a few break downs yesterday while looking at pictures with my mom for the funeral so I'm still going to be shaken up for a while.

Anyway trying to end on a goodish note...

I only have Tuesday and Wednesday and then I'm out for school!! WOOH SUMMER VACATION!!!
All I have to do is survive my chemistry and English final and I'll be home free! The other classes I'm not worried about so I only need to study for two out of four of my finals.

Well that wraps everything up I need to say. I'll see you guys around whenever!!

-----ScarletApollo99 🤓

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