Chapter 14

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"So where are we going now?" Tiny asked. "We should be going to the Palancar Plateaus to look for Razor, but honestly I have no idea where that is." I replied. "There's our great navigator in action." Star said while she playfully punched me in the arm. "Oh come on. I bet you don't know where it is either." I retorted. Star threw her hand in the air "Alright fine you got me, I have no idea where it's at either." "Does anyone know where the Palancar Plateaus are?" Briggan asked.

Iris stepped forward "Aqua and I do." "That's great, so where are they?" Azula asked. "Palancar is an island in the Stag Sea, the plateaus are towards the top of the island. Razor lives in a cliff cave at the top of the plateaus so he can be close to the sky." All of our jaws dropped in surprise. When we could finally speak again Erde was the first to speak " do you know this?!" "I visited him a couple weeks ago." Iris replied calmly. "Oh...that explains a lot..." I mumbled quietly.

After we got over our brief moment of dumbness, Iris and Aqua took the lead and we set out to go to the Isles of Palancar. To get to the Stag Sea we had to cross through a small section of the Jade Desert. Hopefully there won't be another tornado like last time.


Hello friends!!

"Another short chapter?" You're probably saying. I'm sorry but it will get better I apologize.

As always please vote, comment, and share!!

I will catch you guys later!!

Your attempting to be magical friend
------ScarletApollo99 🦄

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