Chapter 25

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My heart dropped into my stomach. I began searching the battlefield wildly for any sign of him. "Looking for someone?" I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Dr Rabies smiling at me. "You again." I said through gritted teeth "I couldn't help but see that you're looking for something." He continued. "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." I retorted. "Perhaps I could assist you in your search." Dr Rabies turned around and said something, then a rock monster stomped up the hill. In its hand it held Briggan, who was struggling to free himself.

"Let him go Rabies." I snarled. "I will...If you make a trade, you for him." Dr Rabies said with an evil grin. "Don't do it Essix!" Briggan yelled. "Aww isn't that sweet? Your boyfriend is trying to save you." Dr Rabies said. "I don't give a rats' behind about your deal! I'll just save him myself." I retorted sassily. "Take one step closer and he'll be crushed." Dr Rabies said. He was right. The strength of that rock hand was more than enough to crunch Briggan to dust. I was out of options, I had to take the deal. I bowed my head and conceited defeat "Ok you win, but let him go first." "Fine." Dr Rabies motioned to the rock monster and it put Briggan down. "Now you hold up your end of the deal." I slowly walked forward until I was right in front of Dr Rabies. (Which is way closer than I ever want to be to him ever again.) "Very good." He snapped a weird collar around my neck (what a great feeling of deja vu I'm experiencing right now) "Now walk through this portal I've opened up like a good little fox. Don't you dare try anything or I'll have to shock you." I slowly followed Dr Rabies to the portal and looked back at Briggan, ( which was a huge mistake because of the mixed expressions of sadness and guilt on his face made me cry a little bit) then I was forced into the portal.

Just as the portal closed everyone ran up to where Briggan was. "Dude, why didn't you save her?" Razor asked angrily. "I couldn't have if I tried! It's my fault this happened in the first place!!" Briggan replied sadly, then he began to cry. "It's ok Briggan." Star said comfortingly. Azula angrily turned to Razor and raised her fist threateningly "You better apologize to my little brother or I'll knock you through the stratosphere." "Guys stop fighting." Briggan sobbed "Essix didn't have a choice, if she didn't go with Dr Rabies I would be dead because of a giant rock monster." "We'll let's not focus on that..." Star said quickly "Let's focus on finding and freeing Essix and Maximo. Then we'll all personally destroy Dr Rabies." "Don't worry Briggan, we will find her." Azula said while she playfully ruffled the fur on top of Briggan's head.


You friendly ScarletApollo99's here with a special message:

Happy Memorial Day!!

Here's a shoutout to anyone who's lost or knows someone who's lost their brave soldier of war.
Thank you fallen warriors for serving our country. It doesn't matter what branch you're from, you're all still heroes to me and the United States of America.

Oh man I didn't realize how much of a tear jerker this chapter is. I didn't mean to make this day sad...ooh I know, I'll tell a joke to liven it up a bit!

Which state has the smallest soft drinks?


Ha get it?! 😂😂

Anyways as always thanks for reading and please vote, comment, and share!!

ScarletApollo99's out!!

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