Chapter 34

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Essix's POV
*The rest of the story is in Essix's POV

I woke up in a dark hazy place. I looked around but all I saw was a vast stretch of nothingness. "Where in the world am I?" I stood up and then my memories came flooding back to me. I remembered being captured by Dr Rabies and I also remember him shooting me with that weird dark ray thing. Finally I remembered a dark spirit sucking me into a black void. That had to be the evil side Rabies mentioned. That's when it all came together "My friends are in danger...of me!" I exclaimed.

"I've got to get out of here!" I began to run through the haze. I searched desperately for anything that would get me out of this dark hazy place. After running for what felt like forever I got a feeling that I was back where I started. "This is hopeless!" I threw my hands in the air with exasperation "I'm never going to get out of here!" "Essix?" I looked around "Now I'm going crazy, I heard Briggan's voice." I mumbled. "Essix?" I heard Briggan's voice again, but this time it sounded closer. I listened intently to see if what I was hearing was real or if I was going crazy. There was a long moment of silence, I scanned the dark haze for any sign of Briggan. A few minutes later I heard footsteps behind me; I turned around and saw Briggan. Briggan's eyes lit up "Essix!" He ran forward and gave me a bear hug "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too Briggan!" I started to cry a little bit. "Hey it's ok, you're with me now." Briggan said while he wiped away my tears. "How did you even get in here? Actually, where is here?" I asked. "We're in your mind. Star used her powers to warp me in here." Briggan replied. I looked around "Really? Wow. My mind's a lot darker than I thought it would be."

"Isn't it beautiful?" A mirror image of me suddenly materialized in front of me and Briggan. Well she was alike except for the black fur and glowing red eyes. Briggan narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists "You..." "What's the matter Briggan, did you miss me?" "Wait, why is there a clone of me?" I asked confused. The clone turned to me and shook her head "Seriously? Don't you remember? The name's Dark Essix, honestly I'm surprised you don't remember what I did to your friends earlier." "Chill, I don't want anything..." Dark Essix said casually, then she turned fierce "except to take over Essix's mind completely." "Not if I can help it!" Briggan growled. "Bring it on fox boy!" Dark Essix said.

"Gladly." Briggan lunged at Dark Essix and sent her skidding backwards from his flying tackle. Dark Essix recovered and countered with a flurry of kicks and punches. Briggan tried his best to dodge them, but he got hit by a few. Dark Essix wasn't unscathed however, Briggan had managed to land a couple of hits himself. The fight raged on, each side looked evenly matched, until Dark Essix landed a nasty right hook to Briggan's jaw. Briggan stumbled backwards and tried to keep himself from falling, but Dark Essix swept his feet out from under him with a low kick. Briggan fell backwards and landed hard on his back. Before he could recover Dark Essix had drawn her sword and had the tip an inch away from his throat "Don't move." Briggan froze in place with a look of surprise and irritation. Dark Essix lifted his chin up with the tip of her sword and smiled "You know fox boy, I've had many battles in my day, but none have been as fun as this one. It's too bad that I have to kill you you're actually pretty cute...oh well. Say goodbye to your world because from now on you'll be living in the Nightmare Dimension."

"Leave him alone!!" I threw myself at Dark Essix in a body slam and knocked her off Briggan and onto the ground. I quickly got back to my feet and faced Dark Essix. She skidded on the ground for a little bit before she stopped and slowly got back up. "Insolent little pest, you'll pay for interfering!" Dark Essix hissed angrily. "Go ahead. I'm not scared of myself." I countered. "You're brave for challenging me. Looks like you've got the motivation from him being in danger." Dark Essix smiled evilly and motioned to Briggan. I took a deep breath, might as well say what I feel now in case we both die... "What's wrong with protecting someone you love? He cared enough about me to save me, now it's time to return the favor." Dark Essix stuck her tongue out with disgust "Lovey dovey stuff makes me sick. Let's just get this over with, no one has ever beaten me, I won't be beaten." "Then today's your lucky day." I said while I drew my sword. Dark Essix charged towards me and our battle began...

Star noticed that Essix had begun acting strangely. Suddenly Essix had grabbed her head and yelled "Get out of my head!" in her normal voice. That was followed by "You'll never be able to defeat me, your life will be mine!" In the voice Dark Essix had spoken in before. "Guys brace yourselves, something's about to happen!" Star yelled. Essix suddenly emitted a powerful dark shockwave from her wings; the force from it sent everyone and everything in the vicinity flying backwards, and it completely shredded Azula's Onyx Warp. Essix fell on her hands and knees and gasped for breath. Everyone prepared themselves for another attack; instead Essix began to glow with a weird purple light. When the light cleared Essix had been divided into two: one Dark Essix, the other regular Essix. The two then collapsed onto the ground.


Heya guys!!

Sorry this is a little late, I got caught up with stuff... 😅

But anyway I hope you all enjoyed this fantastically long chapter. (Please enjoy it because it took me forever to type! 😩) As always you guys know the drill...please vote, comment, and share if you liked!!

Well I'm gonna go, gotta save Wattpad City you know!!

Your friendly neighborhood ScarletApollo99 🕷

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