Chapter 6

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"Are you sure we're going the right way?"Tiny asks "Everything looks the same to me it must be easy to get lost."

"Trust me, when it comes to desert navigation, Briggan's the best. He has this uncanny ability to always know where everything is." Azula replies.

We had left the village before sunrise and had been flying for at least and hour or two. Since leaving the village there has been nothing but sand stretching on for miles and miles as far as the eye can see.

"Yeah that's nice and all, but do we REALLY know where Erde's oasis is?" Star asks.

"It vaguely tells of an oasis in the center of the desert in Erde's legend. It's supposedly a place filled with life and is fed by a magical green spring." Briggan replies.

" we're looking for a green space in the desert. Shouldn't be that hard. Wonder where-"

"Star before you ask another question, let me just answer it for you, yes we are heading to the middle of the desert, and yes you are asking too many questions." Briggan says while rubbing his temples.

Star looks taken aback. She crosses her arms and pouts a little. "Jeez you don't have to snap at me, I was just curious."


The sun is setting when we land on a large flat rock to rest. We had made good progress throughout the day by flying for as long as we could before taking short breaks.

I look around and see Briggan staring up at the stars. As I walk up he is pointing to certain ones and mumbling to himself. He was concentrating so hard he even didn't notice me when I walked up.

"There's Celestia...if we keep our current path then..." Briggan turns around while tracing a line in the sky and spots me standing there. "Oh! Essix, h-how long have you been standing there?"

I shrug. "Not that long, I just came over here." I reply with a chuckle.

Briggan blushes "Oh...that means you heard me mumbling to myself didn't you?"

"Yeah...pretty much." I answer.

"Great." Briggan buried his head in his hands "I've been trying not to think out loud and then I go and do it again, augh, I'm so stupid!"

I put a hand on his shoulder "Briggan, just stop."

He looks up "Stop what?"

"First of all you're spiraling, you gotta calm down. Second of all you need to stop beating yourself up. You're a very smart guy with a good heart."

Briggan blushes and looks at the ground "Y-you think so?"

I smile "Of course. Now why don't you stop freaking out and keep being your goofy self?"

I reached down and helped Briggan off of the ground. "Thanks Essix, I couldn't ask for a better friend." He said. "You're welcome Briggan." Then I stepped forward and gave him a hug "Ok, I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Briggan." "Goodnight Essix." Briggan called after me.

After I had walked off Briggan went back to watching the stars, but once he was sure I wasn't coming back he began talking quietly to himself "She hugged me, I can't believe she hugged me!" Briggan blushed "Maybe one day I'll work up the courage to ask her. No, maybe one day I'll tell her how I feel, or maybe both at the same time." He sighed and propped his hand on his head "Man, I sound like such an idiot."


Hola mi amigos!!

Yeah another chapter!! I hope all of you enjoyed the budding crush of Briggan on Essix. I like putting things such as these in my stories.

As always my faithful friends, readers, and critics (who may be out there in the Wattpad world somewhere) please vote, comment, and share!!

I will see all of y'all later!!

------ScarletApollo99 😁

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