Chapter 7

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"Hey guys according to my calculations, we're almost to Erde's oasis, I think." Briggan said. "That last part's reassuring." Star mumbled sarcastically. Briggan suddenly stops flying "What's the matter Briggan?" I ask. "Something doesn't feel right." He replied while scanning the desert. Azula narrowed her eyes and looked around too "I feel like someone's watching us." "Who could possibly be watching us?" Tiny asked.

Tiny's question would go unanswered. The ground rumbled and hurricane force winds ripped across the desert, whipping up sand in a massive sandstorm. "Everyone get down behind those rocks!" Briggan yelled above the roar of the sandstorm. All of us dove behind the rocks, ducking to avoid the particles of sand that whipped past us. "Where did this come from?" I shouted. "I don't know! Sandstorms are common here, but this isn't a normal sandstorm!" Briggan yelled back.

The roar of the storm increased and the rocks in front of us began slowly moving forward. "It's pulling us in!!" Tiny yelled his voice full of terror. The rocks were suddenly torn from the ground and were sucked into a tornado. "We need to run!!" Azula yelled. We scrambled to our feet and began to run in the opposite direction, but the tornado's suction was too strong. We weren't able to go that far away, and the tornado began to pull us towards it. Tiny was the first one to get sucked backwards. I braced myself and was about to jump after him when Azula grabbed my arm "Essix no, you just can't jump into a tornado!!" I narrowed my eyes and took her hand off of my arm "Just watch me!!" I yelled sassily.

Before Azula or Briggan could do anything else I bent my legs and jumped. I launched myself upward, then I spread my wings and flew right towards the tornado. I spotted Tiny and scooped him up into my arms. For a minute we sat there having a mini reunion with me hugging Tiny so tightly he couldn't breathe. That's when I remembered the tornado. We were sucked into it and the world around me turned into a blur. I held Tiny tighter as my vision started to fade, then everything went black.


Hello fellow Wattpaders!!

So sorry for the cliffhanger ending...
Ok so maybe I'm not sorry...oh well.

But I bet you're silently begging to know what's going to happen next through your anger and irritation. You'll all find out what happens in due time...
*rubs hands together and does evil laugh*

Anyways being evil aside...
Please vote, comment, and share!!

See ya guys!!

-----ScarletApollo99 😜

(Sorry AshCat15 if you're in the middle of class right now 😬)

A Warrior's Quest (Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя