Chapter 18

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That was a doozie of a question. Especially since my love life isn't exactly like the ones in the movies. (Those stories are for another time.) I was deep in thought pondering these things when Star came over and tapped my shoulder "Hey, are you coming, or are you going to sit there like a rock?" "Huh? Oh yeah, sure. Let's go." I replied quickly. "You sound distracted. Were you thinking about Briggan?" Star asked with a smirk. I crossed my arms over my chest "No." Star shot me her "I know you're lying" look. I threw my arms in the air "Ok fine. Maybe I was thinking about him a little bit." "A little bit?" Star asked. "Fine a lot a bit." I grumbled.

"I just can't believe my best friend's in love!" Star exclaimed. We were climbing the tallest plateau on Palancar because Iris said that wind which nearly ripped my wings off protects Razor's home from aerial attacks; therefore, we could only get to the top by climbing up the side. Star babbled on about me loving Briggan, but I ignored her and kept climbing. Me and Star were at the back of our climbing group with everyone else above us. This is where I made my mistake.

I happened to glance up and see Briggan above me. His black wings shimmered slightly in the light, his muscles rippled like waves in the ocean, and his beautiful green eyes reflected the sunlight dancing on the cliff face. He was beautiful. Yep, I now know that I am in love with Briggan head over heels. Why I didn't care to notice that before I don't know, but I do know that Azula has a crush too. She's been acting differently ever since Erde joined us, so it's pretty obvious that she's in love with him.
Dr Rabies had seen the whole incident on Palancar thanks to his spy raven's necklace camera. "Aww, isn't that sweet; it looks like Essix and Briggan are in love." He laughed evilly and tapped his claws on the desk "Looks like I've found some leverage against Essix." Dr Rabies pushed a button on a remote connected to his desk and the image enlarged, only showing Essix's face "Don't worry Essix, soon you'll be back into my clutches and my plans will finally be complete!"


Hello guys!!

So yeah another fantastic chapter if I do say so myself. I'm ready for school to be out, we only have like three days left and I'm out for summer!!

As always thanks for reading and please vote, comment, and share!!

This is your friendly neighborhood ScarletApollo99 signing off!!


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