Chapter 13

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The Crystal Swamp probably got its name for the many blue crystals that were everywhere! They were in the ground, they lined the bottom of a large pool of crystal clear water that flowed through the swamp (heh see what I did there? 😏), there were even a few in the trees! Tiny said the one word that I'm sure all of us were thinking "Wow!!" All of us stared with our mouths open at everything, it was just so beautiful!

Erde pulled us back into focus by pushing us towards the center of the pool of water. There was a sudden bright flash then we appeared in a room with a large waterfall. At the top of the waterfall there was a massive blue crystal which looked like it was the source of the waterfall. Erde stepped to the edge of the piece of land we were on and yelled "Iris, it's your bro Erde!!" We heard a splash and we all looked up at the waterfall to see a fox peering over the edge "Erde? It's been so long, hold on on I'm coming down to see you!" The fox jumped off the waterfall and the water reached up to catch her; she then began jumping across the pillars of water until she reached us. Erde began introductions "Guys this is my sister Iris. Iris this is Essix, Tiny, Star, Briggan, and Azula." Iris waved "Hey guys, nice to meet you."

I took this brief moment to observe Iris' appearance. Iris was a little shorter than Erde, she had blue for and eyes that resembled the crystals in the swamp, and a dark blue ribbon was wrapped around her neck and flowed around her like water. Iris turned to me "So what brings you to me?" Quickly I briefed her on what we had to do and why. After I finished Iris stared at the ground "If you need my services then I will assist you, just give me a second to grab Aqua." We watched Iris as she ran up columns of water that she made until she vanished over the top of the waterfall.

A few minutes later Iris came down holding a furry little ball "This is Aqua, she's my water spirit." "Awww, she's so cute!" Azula said. Which I'll be honest with you guys,Azula has NEVER said anything was cute, let alone freak out about something AND say it's cute. All of us gave her weird looks "What? That thing's adorable, don't judge me!" Azula retorted. "Thanks, I think he's pretty cute myself." Iris replied with a smile. She then tucked Aqua into her tail and we set off.


"Good day one and all is anything the matter?"
--Dusknoir from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness

Hope you Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fans liked my reference!! It just came to me when I wrote this.

Hopefully you guys liked my chapter!! They found two Elementals now they have two to go!!

As always please vote, comment, and share!! I really appreciate you guys' support!!


-------Your friendly ScarletApollo99 😎

A Warrior's Quest (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora