Chapter 10

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"So what brings you here, I know that your pretty face is here for a reason." In spite of the anger I'd felt earlier I felt myself blush "Well to be honest, me and my friends are on a mission to find the four Elementals." Erde looked at me curiously and then I continued. I explained everything; from who gave us the mission, to what we're supposed to do, and how we're going to do it.

After I finished I noticed Erde staring at the ground. "I can't believe they got my bro Maximo." His voice was full of sorrow "And now you're telling me that same being is going after my other brothers and sisters?" "Yes, but if you join us we can get to him before Dr Rabies." I replied. Erde looked at me with his green eyes and I could see a small fire of rage burning there. "If it means my family's safety, then I'll help you Essix."

Erde moved the pile of rocks in front of the entrance and we ran outside and found Azula, Briggan, and Star standing there; Azula opened her mouth to speak, but Erde cut her off "There will be time for questions later. We must head for the Crystal Swamp to save my sister Iris." Briggan piped up "But we don't know where the Crystal Swamp is." "Erde smiled "Don't sorry I know the way. I will lead you to her, the after we save her we'll go find my brother Razor." "Sounds good to me; let's get going then." Erde smiled again "I like the way this one thinks." For the first time ever since I met Azula I saw her blush. "Well you don't think too bad yourself." "You've got some sharp wits, I like that. What's your name?" Erde asked. "Azula! My name's Azula..." she replied quickly.

"That's a beautiful name." Erde replied. Azula blushed again. "I really hate to interrupt, but we need to get going." Briggan said. "Of course. Let's head out." Erde said while stealing one last look at Azula.


What's up guys?

Yay another chapter!! Look at me being productive.

Well you guys know what to do cuz you guys are smart...

But I'll say it again anyway...
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Scarlett's out!!

-----ScarletApollo99 😎

A Warrior's Quest (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora