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"I'm (y/n)"

They both smile and nod and then look at each other strangely

"Nice to meet you. We'll see you in a little bit"

Jimin did most of the talking and jungkook just stood there. I'm so glad I didn't have to be the one to go up and make friends with anyone. They seem really chill. I'm glad I got to meet with them

I went back in my room and got the air conditioner working and my phone connected to the wifi. Once I got all of my shit together, I heard a knock. I rushed to it and swung it open, seeing familiar faces.

"You ready, (y/n)?"

Jimin asks with a kind smile. I nod. We walk down the path for a little until we got to a big building. Jimin pointed to it and looked at me

"That's the cafeteria. It has so much inside."

He makes lovey eyes at it. Ok well he loves food as much as me. That's a plus. He then points to the building next to my dorm building

"That's the boys dorm, and the girls is where you live"

I nod and look around until I see a building on the other side of the sports field

"What's that?"

I ask and point.

"That's dental care"

I look at him like he's crazy and he laughs

"Yeah this college teaches dental care so the students get graded if you want some pretty pearls"

He smiles wide showing his beautiful smile.

"There's the gym"

Jungkook pointed out. It was a huge campus. I was so surprised I didn't even know how big it was. As we walk in silence, jungkook decided to ask something I didn't know how to answer

"So why did you move in so early?"

I continue to look down until I found my answer

"I could ask you the same thing"

He scoffed and looked at me like "really?" I smirked at myself.

"She's got a point. Good try kookie. Oh and there's the dance studio. Aka, my favorite building"

"Hmm, can we go look at it?"

They both looked at me in surprise

"Why? You intrested in dancing?"

"Actually yeah. That's why me and - I mean, I wanted to go here"

Their eyes widened and their mouths dropped as they look at each other. I tilt my head in confusion

"I like her already. I didn't know that you- you don't seem like - "

Jungkook says. I giggle out of embarrassment.

"That's why me and my friends are here."

Jimin smiles wide at me. Noice. Maybe they can teach me. If they're any good

"So.. How good are you?"

Jungkook crossed his arms and smirked at me. Jimin joined

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