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-your pov-


I cry into the rain. I pick up my broken and drenched phone, which won't turn on, and stuff it back in my pocket. A clap of thunder erupts making me cower in the house again. I close the door and collapse in the center of the empty, cold room.

I've never been so scared.

I jump up as the lightning causes the thunder to boom again. I blindly find myself to the stairs and run upstairs. All of the windows are broken, causing rain to seep in, the thunder louder and lightning brighter. I can't find a room that doesn't have a window.

My heart racing and my breathing seems to be constricted. I can't breathe.

As I rush down the stairs, I trip over the last stair through the dark and collapse again onto the hard wood floor.

The storm is right over head. I can't do this by myself. I need someone. I need a pair of arms to protect me. I need someone. I need him

-tae pov-

"Ok ok she loves new places. She likes to explore"

I shout through the loud heavy rain

"We should split up"

Jungkook suggests. We all nod and go for it. Jungkook and Jimin keep looking in this area while me and Jackson hop on the bus and go somewhere.

Jackson gets off but I wait. I have a strong feeling she's going to be far away. She tended to do that when we were together, too. She'd say she was going home from my house and she'd go somewhere else. I'd be so worried.. her wandering spirit needed new all the time.

I get off at a stop that looked abandon. Scary houses aligned the wooded street with no street lamps or street sighs in sight. The rain was so loud I couldn't even hear myself think


I yell, hoping I'm not yelling her name for no reason. I yell her name again. Again and again. Then I see the abandoned house at the end of the street. I stop and stare. It made my stomach churn. My hair so wet, water poured in front of my eyes so I couldn't see clearly.

Suddenly, I see the door swing open to see someone I wished I would see. My worry changed to happiness and sorrow. I run to her as she runs forward without seeing me


I yell. She looks up, tears in her eyes, she rushes to me and runs into me, hugging me tightly, I squeeze her back. I bend down on my knees so she can lean on me. I cover her head and shoulders with my arm.

"Everything will be ok. You're safe. I got you."

After a moment of the rain covering up her sobs, I felt my stomach settle. I was happy I found her but I felt so sick seeing her so unhappy and scared. I knew she'd be somewhere like this. I take off my jacket and and wrap it around her and walk her to the bus station. We sat on the bench, hugging each other until the bus came. The thunder was louder than I've ever heard before. Even made me jump a couple of times.

The bus comes and we board, and I sit her down. I kneel down in front of her and look her in her glossed eyes. She looks me straight in the eyes and sniffles.

I wipe under her eyes with my thumb and take off some black running make up

"Everything is alright"

I give her a sad smile and brush her soaked hair out of her face. I pull my jacket around her tighter.

I sit down next to her and grab my phone quickly and text jungkook

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