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I look at his suit and tie as he looks down at the followers and hands them to me

"Tae- I-.."

"I'm really sorry. I'm sure one of the boys tried to explain it to you but they most likely got it wrong. Do you think we can go for a little walk?"

I gulp and hold the flowers tightly as so many emotions poured through me. Anger. Just by everything he did. I felt so surprised to see him do this. I felt like I should hear him out. I look up into his soft looking, warm brown eyes. I feel at home when I look into those eyes of his. My heart feels like it's being strangled yet hugged.

I nod my head and I shut the door behind me as I walk side by side with him through the campus grounds.

"That day I told you I was leaving. My parents and I were talking and they wanted me to go to a school in America instead. "We're no changing our minds" they said. They thought it was a better school. I tried day after day trying to convince them to change their minds. But they didn't. I didn't want to see you break into pieces. So I lied. Everyday. I told you I wanted to go to that school and we needed to split but.. I didn't want that at all. I was being forced. As you know already, the other 6 are my friends. I told them I'd be back, hoping I wouldn't jinx it. Hoping somehow I change my parents minds. Because, as you know, I-"

"You respect your parents very much. I know"

I interrupt to finish his sentence. I gulp and let him continue

"I sat down with them with a sliver of hope. And they cracked. They said I could move back here and go to the school I wanted- and live my dream. But part of my dream was you. Going to my dream school with you. And I know I royally ruined everything, but I was just- I wanted to know if there's any way in hell there's a chance that you would forgive me?"

He stopped and turned to me. He looks me in the eyes sadly. I know tae for who he really is. That day he told me he was leaving for America to go to this college he "wanted to go to", some part of me knew that wasn't what was happening when it was happening, but I was so heart broken, I just accepted it. He's a sincere person and he did absolutely everything for me. He did love me. I just hate the fact he lied and I tried my best moving on and then he does this? Jimin came into my life and I was somewhat happy again but then.. I found out he knew and everything was a mess

I gulp and look down at the flowers and back to his eyes. I nod hesitantly. He smiles wide and he was about to hug me but he decided it was too soon

"Thank you (y/n). Maybe we should catch up soon?"

I nod again, feeling a pain in my stomach. Did I do the right thing?

He walks me back to my dorm and we say goodnight. I close the door behind me and lay down next to my computer, laying the flowers on my little table

I trust him. I do. But maybe I admitted to trusting him too soon?

I grab my ice cream and click play on my show and continue my night, in a continuous feeling of worry.

Why did he go to the extent of wearing a suit and buying me flowers? Oh right, cause he's tae and goes over the top. Especially things like this. I remember one time we got into a little argument back when we were dating and that next day, he threw pebbles at my window and in the road, he wrote "I'm sorry :( forgive me? ♡ tae" in side walk chalk. AND got my a box of chocolates and a small stuffed animal

I smile and go back to my show

-Jimin pov-

As I'm walking back to my dorm, I see him. Tae. In a suit with flowers. Are you fucking kidding me??

I angrily go back to the dorm and change quickly into my gym clothes and storm to the gym.

-tae pov-

I walk back to my dorm with a smile. I know nothing will be the way it was but we can try. If she still.. has feelings for me like I do with her.

I change and go to bed with my phone in hand

Tae/: hey (y/n) , remember to get some rest. Don't stay up until 6 am

Y/n/: I will :) good night taehyung

I smile and click my phone off


-Jimin pov-

I spent most of the night at the gym getting my anger out. I get out of bed and see tae is still sleeping. Maybe I should see if (y/n) wants to hang out today.

"Mm. Jimin, morning"

I hear him mumble. I furrow my eyebrows and continue to get ready. I'll get dressed to go to her place

-jungkook pov-

I wake up and yawn loudly. I look to the clock which reads 9am. Lovely.. (y/n) is still mad at me. I can't take that. We were great friends before this happened. I told. Jimin. Multiple. Times. That we needed to tell her. So this wouldn't happen.

I get up and grunt, happy I don't have a room mate yet, going towards the dresser to get some clothes for the day. Maybe I should go say hi to her. I gave her her space but I need to fix things

-tae pov-

He ignores me and continues to get ready. I get up lazily and get ready as well. I was done first. I head over to jhope and Yoongi's room and knock. Hobie answers angrily.

"You know not to knock before 10:00. He's sleeping"

I look past him and through the darkened room, Yoongi is sleeping soundlessly. I bow my head

"Sorry. I just want to let someone know I'm going into town. Make sure namjoon doesn't stress about where I am. Thank you hobie"

He nods and I slowly walk to the middle of the camp ground. I'm going to her dorm in a minute. I just have to prepare myself..

-Jackson pov-

I jump out of bed and into my clothes and out the door, freshly cleaned and ready for a day with (y/n)

-your pov-

I fix up my make up and look at my phone. I'll be going into town today. Alone at last.

Suddenly, a sound I didn't want to hear. A knock. I roll my eyes and open the door

You've got to be shitting me.

All for boys stand there, slightly pushing each other, all looking at me with a smile

What. The. Duck.

"(Y/n) I was wondering if you wanted to go to the city today?"

Jackson implies

"No, I was going to take her"

Jimin says rudely, pushing him

"Um.. (y/n).."

Jungkook mumbles as he's being pushed out of the way

"(Y/n) I -.."

Tae enters the conversation but is also being pushed around by the little bit of shoving Jimin and Jackson are doing.

This is unreal. Why. In the hell. Do they want to hang out with me. Oh god please help

"Hey boys. Get your asses over here"

They all turn around and I look up to see yoongi who is calling them from the other buildings entrance. They look back at me and I motion them to go. They all look at each other and turn away from me to go to yoongi. It's my chance.

I close my door and sneak away while they aren't looking. No way do I want to hang out with any of them right now. Thank you yoongi

Idk man here ya go.

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